Ksp old versions download - what result?
Kerbal Space Program's Sad Legacy....
I'm with Alchemist-CH here. Nobody told you you had to delete your old KSP when you updated.
Sure, it'd be nice and generous of SQUAD to let customers download any old version they want, but we have no right to go demanding they do so or criticizing them if they don't. For one thing, they have good reasons not to - idiots would go downloading outdated versions and then go complain on the forum about bugs that have been patched already. And for another thing, the purchase of KSP entitles a customer to the current version plus futureupdates, but says nothing about past updates they missed - all the more incentive to buy as soon as you can. From that point forward, it's simply the responsibility of the user to hold on to the old versions you liked.
What was that? You use Steam and it auto-updates? No excuse. Steam games can be easily backed up, and especially in the case of KSP you can easily run it outside the Steam client.
In conclusion, multi-version support has its advantages but it's hardly a priority, and with its likely disadvantages I wouldn't say we need it any time soon. In the meantime I suggest installing 1.1 in a separate folder when it comes out
P.S. TBH you're lucky Scott Manley even bothered replying. You can easily reach the actual developers on Reddit or the KSP Forum, so you're really just wasting Mr. Manley's time by going to him with development requests. He's not an employee of SQUAD, and until recently when he was added to the Experimentals testing team he wasn't affiliated with them at all.
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]Sure, it'd be nice and generous of SQUAD to let customers download any old version they want, but we have no right to go demanding they do so or criticizing them if they don't. For one thing, they have good reasons not to - idiots would go downloading outdated versions and then go complain on the forum about bugs that have been patched already. And for another thing, the purchase of KSP entitles a customer to the current version plus futureupdates, but says nothing about past updates they missed - all the more incentive to buy as soon as you can. From that point forward, it's simply the responsibility of the user to hold on to the old versions you liked.
What was that? You use Steam and it auto-updates? No excuse. Steam games can be easily backed up, and especially in the case of KSP you can easily run it outside the Steam client.
In conclusion, multi-version support has its advantages but it's hardly a priority, and with its likely disadvantages I wouldn't say we need it any time soon. In the meantime I suggest installing 1.1 in a separate folder when it comes out

P.S. TBH you're lucky Scott Manley even bothered replying. You can easily reach the actual developers on Reddit or the KSP Forum, so you're really just wasting Mr. Manley's time by going to him with development requests. He's not an employee of SQUAD, and until recently when he was added to the Experimentals testing team he wasn't affiliated with them at all.