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Purdue e-Pubs
Dissertations & Theses from 2019
Krishnan, Ankita (2019) Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder Through a Cultural Lens: Perspectives, Stigma, and Cultural Values among Asians
Suzuki, Takakuni (2019) Quantifying the Relations among Neurophysiological Responses, Dimensional Psychopathology, and Personality Traits
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Dissertations & Theses from 2018
Abdel-Salam, Ahmed Nabil (2018) Corporate Social Responsibility of Construction and Real Estate Development Companies in Developing Countries: An Assessment Model
Abraham, Niveah T (2018) A Study of the Characteristics of a Differential Privacy Implementation
Abu-Zhaya, Rana (2018) The Effect of Multimodal Infant-Directed Communication on Language Acquisition
Adkins-Rieck, Ruben (2018) Additive Manufacturing for Aerodynamic Diffuser Designs in a Centrifugal Compressor
Adyatni, Irma (2018) Processing Technology for Improving the Quality of Tomato Product and Developing a Value-added Tomato Processing Derivative
Agarkar, Varad Vinayak (2018) Synthesis of Stable Open-shell Moieties and Polymers for Charge Transfer Applications
Aggarwal, Harsh Wardhan (2018) Effect of Cue Cardinality, Cue Representation and Judgment Options on Human Judgments
Agrawal, Neha (2018) Development of Trojan Horse Dimeric Inhibitors of P-Glycoprotein to Target HIV Reservoirs in the Brain
Akarsu, Murat (2018) Pre-Service Teachers' Understanding of Geometric Reflections in Terms of Motion and Mapping View
Akella, Arun (2018) A Novel In Vitro Stretch Device for Simulating In Vivo Conditions
Albabtain, Yazeed (2018) Digital Forensics and Security Vulnerabilities in GPU
Albader, Haya Bader (2018) An Overall Policy Decision-Support System for Educational Facilities Management: An Agent-Based Approach
Alberts, Brian (2018) Beer to Stay: Brewed Culture, Ethnicity, and the Market Revolution
Alexander, Candace R (2018) Molecular and Biochemical Characterization Reveals the Solute Transport and Binding Profiles of an Adenine Permease from Erwinia amylovora, the Bacterial Causative Agent of Fire Blight in Apples
Alexander, Dayle (2018) Experimental Study of a Standing-Wave Transcritical Thermoacoustic Device
Alford, Adam (2018) Translocation of Neonicotinoid in Maize and Nontarget Impacts to Water and Soil
Alibrahim, Faisal (2018) Institutional Ownership Influence on Advising Performance
Allan, Matthew C (2018) Food Materials Science: RH-Temperature Phase Diagrams of Deliquescent and/or Hydrate Forming Crystals, Effects of Sweeteners on Starch Gelatinization, and the Water Activity of Wines
Alongkronrusmee, Doungkamol (2018) Identification of Novel Therapeutic Targets for Chronic Pain
Alqadhi, Saeed (2018) A Framework for Comparative Life-Cycle Evaluation of Alternative Pavement Types
Alrefae, Majed A (2018) Process Characterization and Optimization of Roll-to-roll Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition for Graphene Growth
Alsaati, Albraa A (2018) Heat and Mass Transfer Analysis for Membrane Distillation
Alshammari, Ali Nazil (2018) She Is a Computer Scientist: A Quantitative Comparison between the Effectiveness of Game Design Studios and Robotics at Enhancing Women's Learning of, Self-Efficacy in, Attitudes toward, and Domain Identification with Computer Science
Amber, Brittney (2018) Reaching Resistant Trainees: Creating Effective Diversity Training Through Integrating Perspective Taking and Media
Ameen Beshari, Tarek A (2018) Experimentally Validated Quantum Transport Models for Tunneling Devices Based on Novel Materials
Amos, Jeffrey (2018) We Sing the Children Out
Anand, Manish (2018) Propulsive Characteristics of Rotary Force and Its Influence on Bipedal Gait Initiation and Gait Transition Speed
Anaya, Laura Yanett (2018) Interparental Conflict as a Context for Early Child-parent Attachment Relationships
Ancel, Elizabeth (2018) Changes in Audiovisual Word Perception During Mid-Childhood: An Erp Study
Anderson, Yaping Huang (2018) East Asian International Students' Interdependent Happiness: The Role of Acculturative Stress, Dialectical Thinking, and Collectivistic Coping
Angre, Harshil Rajesh (2018) Control of Urea Dosing for Urea SCR System in a Diesel-powered Vehicle
Antico, Federico C (2018) Evaluation of Damage Affecting the Mechanical Behavior of Composite Materials
Antonides, Jennifer D (2018) Avian Immunogenetics and Evolution of a Passerine Bird in the Face of Malarial Parasites
Antony, Thomas (2018) Large Scale Constrained Trajectory Optimization Using Indirect Methods
Aranda, Maurina Loren (2018) Development of an Empirically Validated Learning Progression on Cellular Membrane Structure and Function and Cellular Transport for High School Through Undergraduate Students
Archer, Julian R (2018) A Performance-based Framework for Guiding Enroute Air Traffic Control Sector Design
Arehart, Paige Marie (2018) Exploring the Cognitive Tasks Surrounding Professional Horse Judging Practices in Stock-Type Halter Classes
Arkenberg, Matthew R (2018) Enzymatic Crosslinking of Dynamic Hydrogels for in vitro Cell Culture
Arkenberg, Rachel Elizabeth Hahn (2018) Touch Screen Assessment of At-risk Infant Comprehension
Armendariz Briones, Rafael Ricardo (2018) Bridge Load Rating: A General Procedure for Load Rating Bridges without Plans
Asgharifard, Aryan (2018) Modeling and Control of Interconnected Hydraulic Wind Turbines
Awad, Abdelrahman A (2018) Comparison of Brachypodium and Wheat Responses to Hessian Fly
Azim, Zubair Al (2018) Spin-torque Sensors for Energy Efficient and High Speed Global Interconnects
Azzuni, Eyas (2018) Liquid Storage Tanks Internal and External Pressure Studies: Yielding and Buckling Failure Modes
Babaria, Nishant Bhupen (2018) MR-compatible Electrophysiology Recording for Multimodal Imaging
Bahman, Ammar M (2018) Analysis of Packaged Air Conditioning System for High Temperature Climates
Bai, Zengding (2018) Modeling and Simulation of Blood Flow Past the Distal Anastomosis of the Arteriovenous Graft for Hemodialysis
Balasubramanian, Yamini (2018) Effects of a Mobile Tablet Device and an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Application in Individuals with an Acquired Communication Disorder: Influence on Communication Abilities and Quality of Life
Ballmer, Erica M (2018) Determining the Effects of Evidence-based Messaging on Millennial Agriculturalists' Attitudes Towards Genetically Modified (GM) Foods
Banerjee, Pranay (2018) Advanced Torque Control Strategy for the Maha Hydraulic Hybrid Passenger Vehicle
Barber, Emma A (2018) Optimization of Zein Based Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Biosensor for the Detection of Gliadin as a Marker for Celiac Disease
Barrios, Alexander J (2018) Minimal Models of Rational Elliptic Curves with Non-trivial Torsion
Batek, Andrew W (2018) Automated Power Consumption Scheduling for Connected Appliances in a Remodeled, Energy Efficient House
Bazarbayev, Yerik (2018) Effect of Surface Treatments on Radiation Tolerance of ATI 718Plus Alloy
Beall, D. Ross (2018) "Do I Even Remember the List": Identity, Place, and Legal Consciousness of Marriage among LGBTQ Individuals
Beason, Matthew T (2018) Studies on the Impact Initiation and Kinetics of Condensed Phase Reactives with Application to the Shock Induced Reaction Synthesis of Cubic Boron Nitride
Bedwell, Joseph P (2018) The Role of Material Complexity in Retrieval Practice Effects
Beese, Elizabeth Brott (2018) How Do They Do It? Describing Nontraditional Designs for Creating and Carrying Out Personalized Plans for Learning in Three High Schools
Behrouzvaziri, Abolhassan (2018) Thermoregulatory Effects of Psychostimulants and Exercise: Data-driven Modeling and Analysis
Bellisario, Kristen M (2018) Using Computational Musicological Approaches and Informatics to Characterize Soundscapes in Diverse Natural and Human-dominated Ecosystems
Bell, Michaela Elaine (2018) Novel Organosulfur Cathode Materials for Advanced Lithium Batteries
Bell, Tyler (2018) Holostream: High-Accuracy, High-Speed 3D Range Video Encoding and Streaming
Bergmann, Julia Nicole (2018) The Effects of Card Playing on Cognition
Berndt, Aaron James (2018) High Extinction Ratio Mid-Infrared Polarizer Based on Sulfuric Polymer
Berntson, Jessica (2018) Associations Between Affective Traits and Endothelial Function in Depressed Adults
Bhardwaj, Saahastaranshu R (2018) Multi-hazard In-plane Response of Steel-plate Composite (SC) Walls: Out-of-plane and Accident Thermal Loadings
Bilir, Cetin Kursat (2018) Pre-Service Teachers' Understanding the Measurement of the Area of Rectangles
Binte Wali, Musbiha (2018) Wirelessly Addressable, Miniaturzied and Skin-Mountable Sensor System for Real-Time Monitoring of Mice Model
Blasing, David (2018) Photoassociation in 87Rb BECs And In Ultracold 7Li85Rb
Blum, Elaine M (2018) A Pragmatic Methodology for the (Queer) Self
Boaks, Mawla (2018) Density Functional Theory (DFT) Study of Hydrogen Storage in Porous Silicon
Boersma, Stephen J (2018) Double-Crop Soybean Response to Maturity Group and Plant Population in the Ohio River Valley Region
Boler, William M (2018) Electronic Warfare Asset Allocation with Human-Swarm Interaction
Bomjan, Rajdeep (2018) YshB Is a Positive Regulator for Salmonella Intracellular Survival and Facilitates the Spatio-Temporal Regulation of Bacterial Pathogenesis
Bond, Jacob A (2018) On the Computation and Composition of Belyiˇ Maps and Dessins D'enfants
Bonfils, Kelsey A (2018) The Roles of Emotion Regulation and Metacognition in Performance-based Empathy
Boston, David M (2018) Demonstrator for Selectively Compliant Morphing Systems with Multi-stable Structures
Bourquard, Brian A (2018) Raw Material Variability in Food Manufacturing
Bowser, Andrew Kent (2018) Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Double Perovskites
Bozell, Jessica (2018) Comparing Disdrometer-measured Raindrop Size Distributions from Vortex-Se with Distributions from Polarimetric Radar Retrievals Using the Constrained Gamma Method
Brinkman, Emilie M (2018) Sex, Culture, and the Politics of Fashion in Stuart England
Brizgys, Lauren Ann (2018) Working Equids: A Case Study Investigating if Locus of Control Affects Welfare in Central America
Broughton, Kimberly Nicole (2018) Exploring Double Consciousness: The Rhetoric and Retention of Black Graduate Students at Predominantly White Institutions
Brunese, Priyanka Shah (2018) 'Making Things Happen' in Cross-Sector Collaborative Partnerships: A Multiple Case Study
Buhrmann, Jacklyn R (2018) Three Essays on Skill Heterogeneity in Frictional Labor Markets
Burnett, John Lawrence (2018) Prevalence of Listeria Monocytogenes and Salmonella Enterica in Retail Produce Environments and Strategies for Their Control
Burris, Kevin D (2018) Supervised Machine Learning Applications to Winter Road Impacts
Burrows, D. Trevor (2018) Religion and Movement Activism in 1960s Chicago
Busquets, Ashley (2018) An Investigation of Micro-Surface Shaping on the Piston/Cylinder Interface of Axial Piston Machines
Busse, Rebecca (2018) Evaluating the Effects of Education on Student Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior Regarding Food Waste
Butler, Breanne Suzanne Muratori (2018) Interplay of Endogenous and Exogenous Biochemical Species on Neuropathic Pain after Spinal Cord Injury
Buzan, Jonathan R (2018) Quantifying Human Heat Stress in Working Environments, and Their Relationship to Atmospheric Dynamics, Due to Global Climate Change
Cai, Chao (2018) Understanding the Molecular Mechanism of Arsenic Tolerance and Accumulation in Pteris vittata
Cai, Luyao (2018) Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Functional Analysis of Tissues and Biomaterials
Canelón, Silvia P (2018) Characterization of Type I Collagen and Osteoblast Response to Mechanical Loading
Cao, Lianjie (2018) Data-driven Resource Allocation in Virtualized Environments
Cao, Lijun (2018) Dynamic Bearing Simulation Using Combined EFEM-DEM Method
Cao, Qian (2018) High Resolution Temperature Measurement Using Ters
Carreiro, Alicia L (2018) Regulation of Intestinal Lipid Storage and Mobilization
Carrell, Sylvia T (2018) SafeguaRDP: An Architecture for Mediated Control of Desktop Applications by Untrusted Crowd Workers
Carreon, Michelle E (2018) A Solidarity Economy on the Border: Examining Historical and Contemporary Case Studies in El Paso, Texas as De Facto Contributors to a U.S.-based Movement
Carvalhar, Andres Porro (2018) Turbopump Testing and Diagnostics
Chacon-Hurtado, Davis (2018) A Study on the Role of Transportation Accessibility in Regional Economic Resilience
Chandramohan, Nivethitha Amudha (2018) Design and Modeling of Adaptive Cruise Control System Using Petri Nets with Fault Tolerance Capabilities
Chang, Chia-Hsiu (2018) Solid-solution Strengthening of FCC Complex, Concentrated Alloys
Chang, Shen-Kuen (2018) Using Tangible Interaction and Virtual Reality to Support Spatial Perspective Taking Ability
Chapel, Nichole M (2018) The Sound Science of Sows: Influence of Auditory Environment on Sow Hearing, Piglet Communication, and Sow Behavior in Modern Swine Production
Chatterjee, Debahuti (2018) “Counter Me!” Female Bodies as Sites of Resistance in the Three Stories of Postcolonial Author Mahasweta Devi
Chen, Chao-Ying (2018) Droplet Spreading on a Substrate
Cheng, Jian (2018) Evaluation of Economic Improvement in United States and China Pork Industry Through Modeling and Genetic Tools
Cheng, Yichuan (2018) U.S. County-level Impacts of Growth in China's Demand for Agricultural Imports
Chen, Hongzhi (2018) Social Brokerage, Psychology, and Innovation in Intra-organizational Networks
Chen, I-Hsuan Blair (2018) Proteomics Strategies to Develop Proteins of Post-translational Modifications in Plasma-derived Extracellular Vesicles as Disease Markers
Chen, Jing Andy (2018) Label Free Chemical Imaging Reveals Novel Metabolic Signatures in Living Model Organisms
Chen, Jingqiu (2018) Assessment of Urbanization Impacts on Surface Runoff and Effects of Green Infrastructure on Hydrology and Water Quality
Chen, Jun (2018) Computational Optimization of Networks of Dynamical Systems Under Uncertainties: Application to the Air Transportation System
Chen, Kaiyan (2018) Effects of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) on Adults' Diet Quality
Chen, Moshan (2018) Chlorine/UV Treatment of Anatoxin-a
Chen, Ran (2018) Effects of Carbon Nanotubes on Microbial Growth and Horizontal Gene Transfer
Chen, Yuchao (2018) Numerical Modeling of Supersonic Coherent Jet and In-Bath Multiphase Flow Behavior During the Steel Making Process in the Electric Arc Furnace
Cherukuri, Kavya (2018) A Mapping of Applied DC Electric Fields in the Spinal Cord via Finite Element Analysis
Chesley, Amelia (2018) Conventions of the Commons: Technical Communication and Crowdsourced Digital Publishing
Cheu, Darrell S (2018) Modeling and Parameter Characterization of a Betavoltaic Cell
Chia, Changtze (2018) Choosing Wickedness: Moral Evil in Kant's Religion
Chiang, Wan-Chih (2018) The Approach to Ridge Regression for Big Data: An Examination
Choi, Chiho (2018) Computational Learning for Hand Pose Estimation
Choi, Chiyoung (2018) Predicting Customer Complaints in Mobile Telecom Industry Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Choi, Chul Hun (2018) Sustainable Supply Planning of By-product Minerals: A Case Study on Indium
Choi, Joon Hee (2018) Computational Methods for Matrix/Tensor Factorization and Deep Learning Image Denoising
Chong, Rylan C (2018) The Relationships of Social Cognitive Career Theory Factors and Cybersecurity Research Self-efficacy
Choong, Shi Wah (2018) Strategies to Create Interfacial Patterning and Epitaxial Architectures Using Controllable Anisotropic Wetting at Scales < 10 nm on Polyfunctional Noncovalent Ligand Layers
Choudhuri, Rajarshi (2018) Experimental Study of Fractional Order Behavior in a Dynamic System
Chowdhury, M Arshad Zahangir (2018) Traversing Hot Jet Ignition Delay of Hydrocarbon Blends in a Constant Volume Combustor
Christie, Ian (2018) Thermal & Non-thermal Signatures from Galactic Nuclei
Chudik, Jeffrey (2018) Categorizing HBSI Errors Using Wearable Trackers
Chung, Ting-Fung (2018) Investigations of the Electrical, Vibrational and Optical Properties of Graphene-Based Materials
Chynoweth, Brandon C (2018) Measurements of Transition Dominated by the Second-Mode Instability at Mach 6
Clarke, Mysha K (2018) The Human Dimensions of Invasive Plant Management on Family Forestlands: A Case Study of Indiana
Collins, Ivel Lee (2018) Evaluation of Additive Manufacturing Technology for Microchannel Heat Sinks
Coly, Malick (2018) Secular Discourse in Postcolonial West African Narratives: Problems and Perspectives: A Comparative Study
Cong, Mingchu (2018) Care Givers: Motivating and Enhancing Nonprofit Caregivers' Experience
Con, Gulcin (2018) Gender and Parental Support to Adult Children in Later Life
Cortes, Cristian L (2018) Quantum Correlations in Nanophotonics: From Long-range Dipole-dipole Interactions to Fundamental Efficiency Limits in Coherent Energy Transfer
Cosper, David (2018) Periodic Orbits of Piecewise Monotone Maps
Costas, Alfonso (2018) Design and 3D Printing of Integrated Fluid Power Components
Coverdale, Michelle E (2018) The Mnemonic Effect of Choice
Craig, Sherri Elaine (2018) On the Front Line: Locating Mentorship in the Composition Practicum
Craver, Joshua Ken (2018) Manipulating Light Quality, Light Intensity, and Carbon Dioxide Concentration to Optimize Indoor and Greenhouse Production of Annual Bedding Plant Seedlings
Crawford, Carlena Magley (2018) Effects of Biofertilizer and Amino Acids on Nitrogen Availability and the Microbial Community in Agricultural Soils
Crawford, Ciera (2018) Chocolate Almond Milk Consumption Changes Salivary Proline-Rich Protein Expression, Which Alter Astringency and Bitterness
Cresswell, Gregory Micheal (2018) Folate Receptor Beta as a Marker of Immunosupressive Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells and Tumor Associated Macrophages in the Tumor Microenvironment
Cronin, Janelle (2018) Living in a Liminal Space: Standing Rock and Storytelling as a Tool of Activism
Cross, Valerie (2018) Hyperspectral Modeling of Relative Water Content and Nitrogen Content in Sorghum and Maize
Crowley, Bridget M (2018) Ultrasonic Attenuation of Bridge Steels and Narrow-gap Improved Electroslag Welds
Cruise, Denise Renee (2018) A Dynamical Systems Analysis of Upright Stance: Exploring the Effect of Unstable Surfaces, Aging, and Pathology
Curth, Joshua (2018) Rhetorical Republic: A Lexically Driven Taxonomy for Political Campaign Interactions on Twitter
D'Acunto, Laura E (2018) Modeling Anthropogenic Disturbance of Wildlife
Das, Sampa (2018) The Influence of Biomass Burning Aerosols on Stratocumulus Clouds Over the South-East Atlantic
Datta, Anurup (2018) Producing Nanoscale Laser Spot and Its Applications
Day, Casey C (2018) Modeling the Behavioral Landscape Ecology of a Reintroduced Carnivore
Dearing, Stacey (2018) Providential Narratives and Remarkable Bodies: Illness and Disability in Early America, 1650-1776
Deitch, Zachary M (2018) Cold Response Biomarker Identification in Strawberry
De Los Santos, Hector F (2018) Mexican American Acculturation and Perceived Discrimination’s Impact on Emerging Adult’s Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms over Time: A Longitudinal Investigation
Deng, Fengyuan (2018) Multidimensional Nonlinear Optical Imaging
Denninghoff, Mark (2018) Political Order in the Modernizing Mormon Kingdom, 1887-1896
Dennis, Brooke (2018) Identifying Pollinator Species of Indiana Soybean Fields and Their Potential Contributions to Yield
de Oliveira Fiuza, Felipe (2018) Metaphors We Laugh By: Rethinking "Don Quixote" and "Amadís of Gaul" through Embodied Cognition and Carnival
Deo, Ridhi (2018) Detection and Management of Diabetes Mellitus (Type -II)
Deshmukh, Harsha Vithalrao (2018) Community Detection in Cyber Networks
Dey, Kowshik (2018) Design of Dual Band Rectifiers for Energy Harvesting Applications
Dhowan, Bahar (2018) Subcutaneous Drug Delivery System for the Reversal of an Opioid Overdose
Diatta, Aminata (2018) Using Corn Zein to Improve the Quality of Gluten-Free Bread
Dibiasio White, Michael J (2018) Structure-Function Studies of a Flavivirus Non-Structural Protein
Dietz, Daniel T (2018) Validation of Object Identification and Tracking in Radar Imagery
Diez, Gabriel (2018) Characterization of an Aluminum-Lithium Alloy Based Composite Propellant at Elevated Pressures
DiTirro, Lindsey J (2018) Conceptualizing Individual Disaster Resilience: Benchmarking Tools for Individual and Social Coping Capacity for a Disaster Resilient Society
Donovan, Natalie Kay (2018) Quality and Economic Analysis of Green Coffee Beans Stored in Purdue Improved Crop Storage Bags
Douglawi, Alber (2018) Liquid-Vapor Imaging in Fuel Sprays Using Lifetime-Filtered Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Doyle, Meridith Tracy (2018) Behavioral Pharmacology of Alcohol and Legal Psychostimulants
Dreison, Kimberly Christine (2018) Predicting Mental Health Provider Response to BREATHE, a Burnout Intervention
Drummond, Kevin P (2018) Characterization of Manifold Microchannel Heat Sinks During Two-Phase Operation
Duan, Tingting (2018) Improving Hotel Demand Forecasting Accuracy by Identifying Seasonality-adjusted Outliers
Duarte-Guevara, Paula A (2018) Development of Tools to Reduce Risk of Nosocomial and Foodborne Pathogens Exposure
Du, Haodong (2018) Simulating Composite Delamination with a Damage-Type Cohesive Zone Model
Dunn, Kalli (2018) Distribution and Spread of an Invasive Shrub (Pyrus calleryana, Decne.) across Environmental Gradients in Southern Indiana
Dunn, Samuel James (2018) Pathology or Neurodiversity?: Cognitive Accessibility and the Rhetorical Construction of ADHD in Higher Education
Duppalli, Veda Samhitha (2018) Design Methodology for a High-Frequency Transformer in an Isolating DC-DC Converter
Du, Yifan (2018) Enrichment of Turbulence Field Using Wavelets
Dvir, Maayan (2018) Understanding the Relation between Sexual Objectification and Ostracism
Dysart, Arthur D (2018) Polysulfide Mitigation at the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface: Experiments in Rechargeable Lithium Sulfur Batteries
Egan, Michael (2018) Habitat and Interspecific Interactions Affect Mesocarnivore Occupancy in the Eastern U.S.
Ehmer, Mindy R (2018) Teacher Identity and the Role of Relational Coaching
Ehmke, Natalie (2018) Biodynamic Imaging: A Novel, Noninvasive Method for Assessing Embryo Viability
Eiles, Matthew T (2018) Highly Excited States of Small Molecules and Negative Atomic Ions
Elbahnasawy, Magdy (2018) GNSS/INS-assisted Multi-camera Mobile Mapping: System Architecture, Modeling, Calibration, and Enhanced Navigation
Eldardiry, Omar (2018) Improving Information Alignment and Distributed Coordination for Secure Information Supply Chains
Elkhadragy, Nervana (2018) Faculty Perceptions of a Tobacco Cessation Train-the-Trainer Program and Experiences with Implementation: A Qualitative Follow-Up Study
Emekwo, Ukoha Emekwo (2018) Photodegradation of Pharmaceuticals and Organic Contaminants in Water Using TiO2 and BiOCL-BiOI
England, Elizabeth (2018) Who Are We Now? Examining Internal Organizational Communication During Crisis
Esquina, Candi Michelle (2018) Electrostatic Regulation of Phospholipase C Beta Enzymes
Evich, Carly Danae (2018) Parental Restrictive Feeding with Latino Adolescents: Examining the Role of Adolescent Self-regulation in Associations with Body Mass Index
Fang, Xing (2018) Impact of Online Chats on Consumers New to a Market: A Learning Model
Fang, Youhan (2018) Efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
Fan, Ziwei (2018) Ensemble Methods for Top-N Recommendation
Fei, Xing (2018) Plant Cell Wall Modification During Tomato Processing and Its Effects on the Physical and Rheological Properties of End Products
Ferdous, Rifat (2018) Spin-orbit Interaction and Electron Spin Qubits in Silicon Quantum Dots
Fernandez, Nadia B (2018) Genetics and Genomics of Golden Eagles With Contrasting Demographic Histories
Floramo, Joseph S (2018) Characterization of Exosomes from Alveolar Macrophages and CFTR Expression
Fourman, Janet L (2018) Global On-line, Interactive and Simulated Learning Techniques via BIRS
Fowee, Katherine L (2018) Micropropulsion Trade Study and Investigation for Attitude Control of Nanosatellites
Freeman, Jonathan R (2018) Artists and Activism: Black Voices of Resistance and the Cultural Boycott of South Africa
Freitas dos Santos, Antonio Carlos (2018) Enzymatic Inhibition by Lignin during Second Generation Ethanol Production
Fudge, Drummond R (2018) Power Management Modeling of Electric Machine Converter Systems
Fuka, Matthew R (2018) Activity Markers and Horse Riding in Mongolia: Entheseal Changes among Bronze and Iron Age Human Skeletal Remains
Fuqua, Jonathan (2018) Metaethical Mooreanism
Furrer, Miranda E (2018) Exploring the Effects of a STEM Integrated Program Experience on Girl Scouts' Pro-Environmental Intentions
Ganesan, Vishwanath (2018) Development of a Finite Volume General Two-Phase Navier-Stokes Solver for Direct Numerical Simulations on Cut-Cells with Sharp Fixed Interface
Ganser, John J (2018) Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for UAV Applications
Gao, Ge (2018) The Effects on User Perception of Uniqueness of Three Factors as Applied to 3-Dimensional Tree Models
Gao, Yuling (2018) Understanding the Adoption, Maintenance, Diffusion of Urban Stormwater Management Practices
Garcia, Gabriela M (2018) Of Women and Salt
Garcia Jange, Camila (2018) Effect of Surface Composition on Powder Flow Properties
Garcia Tejada, Aida (2018) The Acquisition of Aspectual Properties in Reflexive Psych Predicates and Physical Change of State Verbs
Garner, Ron Tracy (2018) Acute Effects of Contractile Activity on Skeletal Muscle Exosomes
Garvey, Michael A (2018) Plant Mediated Effects on Tritrophic Interactions in the Solanaceae-Hornworm System
Ge, Li (2018) Food Quality Versus Quantity: Consumers' Value Perception and the Influence of Eating Style
Gellis, Elizabeth (2018) Refiguring Hybridity in Star Trek
Gerding, Jeffrey M (2018) Advocating for Users, Engaging Citizens: Analyzing the Rhetoric of Civic Engagement in the Digital Services Movement
Ghadiri, Maryam Ghadiri (2018) Soundscape Ecology: Rich Contexts for Investigating Conservation Biology & the Effect of Informal Environmental Experiences on Youth’s Conceptual Understanding, Interest and Identity Development
Ghafari, Ehsan (2018) Polymer-based Piezoelectric Material and Device for Energy Harvesting and Sensing in Civil Infrastructure
Gilbert, Alissa Katherine (2018) Long Term Security Auditing of Large Venues
Gilbert, Stephen (2018) Synthesis of Next Generation Open-Shell Small Molecules: Effects of Functional Group Modulation of Blatter's Radical
Gillham, Alex R (2018) Eudaimonia and the Best Life: Epicurus' Objective Goods Perfectionism
Gilmer, Lauren O (2018) Workplace Chronotype Bias, Flexible Scheduling, and Performance Beliefs
Ginder, Park D (2018) High School Redesign and the Senior Year
Gipson, John A (2018) Predicting Graduation and College GPA: A Multilevel Analysis Investigating the Contextual Effect of College Major
Goldstein, Molly Hathaway (2018) Characterizing Trade-Off Decisions in Student Designer
Gomez Morales, Mauricio Alejandro (2018) Hybrid Cloud Model Checking Using the Interaction Layer of Harms for Ambient Assistive Living Environments
Gomez Villanueva, Sulyn Cossett (2018) Conceptual Framework for Implementing Integrated Project Delivery in Infrastructure Projects in Peru
Gopinath, Anoop (2018) Low-power Hybrid TFET-CMOS Memory
Graf, Kathryn (2018) The Effects of Agronomic Management and 40 Years of Variety Release on Soybean Seed Fill and Yield Components
Greenan, Kathleen A (2018) Comfort Levels and Communication Styles of Sexual Health Educators: A Phenomenological Study
Greenler, Skye M (2018) Acorn Dispersal and Oak Regeneration in a Managed Landscape
Griffin, Sarah A (2018) Connecting Self-harm, Cognitive Inhibition, and Emotional Coping: A Trans-systemic Model of Urgency
Guayaquil Sosa, Gustavo Alejandro (2018) Improving Object Composition Visualization via Exploded Views
Gulyanon, Sarun (2018) Model and Appearance Based Analysis of Neuronal Morphology from Different Microscopy Imaging Modalities
Gungor, Abdulmecit (2018) Benchmarking Authorship Attribution Techniques Using over a Thousand Books by Fifty Victorian Era Novelists
Guo, Mingyang (2018) Aerosol Impacts on Simulated Supercell Thunderstorms in VORTEX2 and VORTEX-SE
Gupte, Aishwarya (2018) Determining Critical Success Factors for Big Data Projects
Guruji, Parag (2018) Polarization in Media: Perception and Reality
Guzman, David M (2018) Structural, Thermodynamic, and Electronic Properties of Mixed Ionic/Electronic Conductor Materials
Gwin, Jess A (2018) The Effects of Dietary Protein at Breakfast and Across the Day on Appetite Control & Satiety, Food Intake, and Sleep Quality
Hagag, Mohamed F (2018) Co-Design of Reconfigurable and Multifunction Passive RF/microwave Components
Hagen, Alexander R (2018) Detection and Interdiction of Shielded and Unshielded Special Nuclear Material Using Tensioned Metastable Fluid Detectors
Hahn, Jaesik (2018) How Heat Affects Human Hair: Thermal Characterization and Predictive Modeling of Flat Ironing Results
Hakobyan, Liana (2018) Baroque Modes of Seeing: Reinventing Neo-Baroque in Contemporary Latin American Cinema
Hallum, William Zach (2018) Investigation of the Effects of Oxidizer Temperature on the Stability of a Gas-Centered Swirl Coaxial Injector
Haltiwanger Morrison, Talisha (2018) Nooses and Balancing Acts: Reflections and Advice on Racism and Antiracism from Black Writing Tutors at Predominantly White Institutions
Hample, Jessica (2018) A Model and Measure of Parental Vaccine Hesitancy: A Basis for the Development of Future Health Campaigns
Han, Chao (2018) Differential Molecular Diffusion in Turbulent Non-premixed Combustion: Power-law Scaling, Modeling Requirements, and Flamelet Simulations
Han, Qing (2018) Age-structured Epidemiological Models with Multiple Infections and Its Application to Pertussis
Hao, Feng (2018) Limiting Mixed Hodge Theory and Nonabelian Hodge Theory for Nodal Curves
Harlow, KaLynn (2018) The Impact of Colostrum Versus Formula Feeding and Fat Supplementation on Vaginal Lipidome and Uterine Development in Gilts on Postnatal Day 2
Harter, Andrew K (2018) Aspects of Parity-time Symmetry Breaking in Discrete, Classical and Quantum Open Systems
Haselhorst, Claire E (2018) Visualization in the Teaching of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Concepts
Haskins, Chris William (2018) Gas-Phase and Condensed-Phase Studies of Small Reactive Intermediates
Ha, Soo Jung (2018) Lipid and Metabolite Profiling Mass Spectrometry of Human Glioblastoma Using Mouse Xenograft Model
Hassan, Abdel-Rahman (2018) Synergy of Cells and Substrate in Cell Migration
Hassan, Mohamed S (2018) Native Graph Support in Relational Data Systems
Hauger, Dominik Tobias (2018) Modeling of Reynolds Stress Tensor with Embedded Galilean Invariance Using a Supervised Deep Learning Algorithm
Hawaldar, Nishant Hemant (2018) Slurry Preparation of Zeolite and Metal-Organic Framework for Extrusion Based 3D-Printing
Hay, Martha E (2018) Influence of Radical Proximity on the Charge Transport of Nitroxide-based Electronics
Hearit, Lauren Berkshire (2018) The Federal Reserve as a Social Actor: On the Intersection of Communication and Investor Expectations
Heiden, Siobhan M (2018) Information and Coordination for Tracking Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery: A Functional Needs Assessment
Heitkamp, Caleb R (2018) Experimental Wave and Material Property Measurements for an Elastomer Binder and Particulate Composite Material
He, Lindun (2018) Brain Atlas and Neuronal Connectivity Visualization and Interaction in Virtual Reality
Henry, Courtney N (2018) The Design and Analysis of Calcium-41 Clinical Trials to Study Treatments for Bone Loss
Henry, Laura K (2018) The Regulatory Role of Isopentenyl Phosphate Kinase in Plants and the Evolution of Terpenoid Diversity in Lamiaceae
Hensiek, Sarah (2018) Digital Badges and Student Motivation in the Undergraduate General Chemistry Laboratory
Hettinger, Zachary R (2018) Effects of Oxidative Stress on Exosome Release in Human Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cells
Hewett, Dan Malcolm (2018) A Spectroscopic Study of the Folding Propensities of Molecules Relevant in Combustion Processes
He, Yifei (2018) Nonperturbative Methods for Quantum Field Theory: Holographic Wilson Loops and S-matrix Bootstrap
He, Zitao (2018) A Thermally-actuated Micro-shutter Array Device for Optical Mask-less Lithography
Hickey, Logan D (2018) Automated Derivatization and Identification of Controlled Substances via Total Vaporization Solid Phase Microextraction (TV-SPME) and Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
Hildebrand, Laura (2018) The Female Threat: Reactions to Increased Representation of Women in Traditionally Male-dominated Domains
Hintz, Elizabeth A (2018) The Vulvar Vernacular: Communicative Dilemmas Experienced by Women with Chronic Genital Pain
Hira, Avneet (2018) Makerspaces for Education
Hjortland, Andrew L (2018) Automated Fault Detection, Diagnostics, Impact Evaluation, and Service Decision-Making for Direct Expansion Air Conditioners
Hodge, Kendra C (2018) Environmental and Genetic Considerations for the Conservation of an Arboreal Species: Phascolarctos cinereus
Hodges, Jaret (2018) An Examination of Underrepresentation in Florida, Indiana, and Washington
Holaday, John R (2018) Transient Liquid Phase Bonding for High Temperature Interconnects
Hollerbach, Adam Lee (2018) Generation, Manipulation, and Detection of Charged Droplets and Ions in the Open Air
Hong, Jee Eun (2018) Nurses’ Knowledge and Perceptions of Drug Library Updates on the Smart Infusion Pumps in Hospitals
Hoover, Gary M (2018) Effects of Per/polyfluoroalkyl Substance Exposure on Larval Amphibians
Hopkins, Alysa A (2018) Habitat Selection by Small Mammals in a Restored Wetland System
Horzmann, Katharine Ann Marie (2018) Investigating the Developmental Toxicity of Legacy, Emergent, and Current Use Environmental Toxicants Using the Zebrafish Model System
Hosokawa, Emily (2018) Priming Sentence Comprehension in Older Adults
Hossain, M. Jayed (2018) Factors Influencing Cartilage Wear in an Accelerated In Vitro Test: Collagen Fiber Orientation, Anatomic Location, Cartilage Composition, and Photo-Chemical Crosslinking
Hostetler, Matthew A (2018) Part I. the Rational Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Second Generation Class II HMG-COA Reductase Inhibitors Part II. Studies Directed Toward the On-Resin Preparation of C-Terminal Modified and Cyclic Peptides
Hsiang, Chien-Yi (2018) Detecting Popularity of Ideas and Individuals in Online Community
Hsieh, Pei-Yu (2018) Exploring Generation Z's Work Values: Implications for Future Work
Hsu, Terry Ching-Hsiang (2018) Memory Subsystems for Security, Consistency, and Scalability
Hsu, Wei-Kang (2018) Resource Allocation in Nano-Communication Networks and Online Service Platforms
Huang, Changyu (2018) Minimal Area Surfaces Corresponding to Wilson Loops in Gauge Theories
Huang, Dan (2018) The Effect of Sc on the Formation and Distribution of In-Situ TiB2 Particles in an Aluminum Matrix
Huang, Xiaohong (2018) Serotonin Imprinting in Chicken Embryonic Development
Huang, Yan (2018) Quantification of Morphogen Gradients and Patterning Scale Invariance along Dorsal-ventral Embryonic Axis
Huang, Yingying (2018) The Alien Eye: Chinese Self-images and the External Observer, 1874-1911
Huang, Yuhan (2018) Remembrance and Rumination: The 1.5 Generation of the Chinese Cultural Revolution
Huang, Yun-Han (2018) Understanding the Collaboration Difficulties Between UX Designers and Developers in Agile Environments
Huang, Yu-Wen (2018) CMOS Low-Power Dynamic Impedance Matching System for Wireless Power Transfer and Pressure Sensor Design for Implantable Devices
Huang, Zhipeng (2018) Development of Cognitive Training Program with EEG Headset
Hudson, Joshua L (2018) Effects of Within-Day Dietary Protein Distribution on Changes in Plasma Amino Acid Concentrations and Body Composition
Hughes, Meagan (2018) A Study on Synthesizing PDM and MSs in K-12 Environments
Hu, Jin (2018) Design, Modeling, and Control of a Flying-insect-inspired Quadrotor with Rotatable Arms
Humble, Jenna A (2018) Quasi-One Dimensional Modeling of Rotating Detonation Engines
Ibrahim, Ahmed (2018) Adaptive Communication for Wireless Massive MIMO Systems
Inamdar, Harshad V (2018) Performance of Finned Heat Exchangers after Air-side Foulingand Cleaning
Inamdar, Tanmay C (2018) Unsteady Fluid-structure Interactions in Soft-walled Microchannels
Inderstrodt, Jill Marie (2018) Pathways to Persistence: A Study of the Effects of Neighborhood Stress and Family Communication Patterns on Community College Student Outcomes
Irawati, Utami (2018) Revisiting the Decay of Monochloramine
Irk, Liz (2018) Co-designing with Refugees: Addressing Challenges to Healthcare Access
Iseminger, Shalyse (2018) Incorporating Multicultural Education into a Church Small Group Bible Study
Jacobs, Mitchell (2018) Drag Queen with a Tapeworm
Jahn, Trevor Mark (2018) Condensed Droplet Experiment for NASA in Sub-orbital Spaceflight
Jain, Samarth (2018) A Multi-fidelity Approach to Address Multi-objective Constrained Mixed-discrete Nonlinear Programming Problems with Application to Greener Aircraft Design
Jalali, Aydin (2018) Tumor-Osteocyte Interactions under Fluid Flow Stimulation
Jankovski, Toni (2018) The Multi-market Effects of Ethanol Policy under Imperfect Competition
Jaramillo, Rita (2018) A Multi-Agent Control Approach for Optimization of Central Cooling Plants
Jaramillo-Villegs, Jose A (2018) Silicon Nitride Microring Resonators: Classical and Quantum Applications
Jay Seymour, Cassidy N (2018) Kinematics and Dynamics of the Pamir, Central Asia and Main Ethiopian Rift
Jebakumar, Anand Samuel (2018) Multi-Scale Modeling of Particle-Laden Flows
Jeong, Dawoon (2018) Stochastic Techno-economic Analysis of Electricity Produced from Poplar Plantations in Indiana
Jeong, Ho Young (2018) Truck-drone Hybrid Delivery Routing: Payloadenergy Dependency and No Fly Zones
Jeon, Hwijin (2018) Physical Environments of Boutique Hotels: A Scale for Evaluation
Jero, Samuel C (2018) Analysis and Automated Discovery of Attacks in Transport Protocols
Jiang, Kaili (2018) Constructing Fragment-Density Functionals
Jiang, Shuxian (2018) Quantum Annealing for Solving Optimization Problems
Jiang, Xuan (2018) Essays on Labor Economics
Jing, Tian (2018) Evaluation of Reactivity Feedbacks Due to Core Deformation in Fast Reactors
Jin, Hongyue (2018) Sustainable Value Recovery of Rare Earth Magnets: Economic and Environmental Strategies
Ji, Zhongjie (2018) Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Salinity Tolerance in Perennial Ryegrass
Joe, Jaewan (2018) Agent-based Approach for System Identification and Optimal Control of High Performance Buildings
Johnson, Alexander N (2018) Phosphorus Sorption in Drainage Channel-Floodplain Systems in Agricultural Watersheds
Johnson, Joel (2018) Final Causality in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas
Jones, Tamecia Raishaun (2018) Developing and Testing a K-12 Engineering Epistemic Frame to Uncover Engineering in the Interactions of a High School Summer Session
Joo, Mindy Hsieh (2018) A Deuterium-Deuterium Neutron Generator-Based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy System for Brain Tumors
Josimovich, Jillian M (2018) Soft-Release May Not Enhance Translocations of Wild-Caught Eastern Massasaugas (Sistrurus catenatus)
Jovanovic, Nina (2018) Take All You Want, but Eat All You Take: Effectiveness of a Financial Incentive on Individual Food Waste
Kadowaki, Joy L (2018) Village in the City: Collective Efficacy and Neighborhood Stability on Chicago's Far Southwest Side
Kalvit, Kalpak (2018) Application of an Innovative MBSE (SysML-1D) Co-simulation in Healthcare
Kang, Kyubyung (2018) Enhancing Critical Capacity of Infrastructure Supply Chain to Improve Resilience of Associated Communities and Infrastructure to Disaster
Kannan, Subramaniyam (2018) Mitigating Multi-Stage Attacks in Software Defined Network-Based Distributed Systems
Karandikar, Rajas H (2018) Assessment of DCNET: A New Data Center Network Architecture
Kargl, Christopher (2018) Conditioned Medium from Dysfunctional Endothelial Cells Impairs Satellite Cell Expansion and Differentiation
Karmarkar, Sushrut (2018) Extrusion Deposition Additive Manufacturing for High Temperature Tooling
Karmel, Thomas (2018) Analyzing the Effect of Policy, Field Geometry, and Environmental Criteria on Switchgrass Breakeven Price in a Landscape Design System
Kayyalha, Morteza (2018) Electrical, Thermoelectric, and Phase Coherent Transport in Two-Dimensional Materials
Kellerman, Ashleigh M (2018) Dyadic Interactions in Children Exhibiting the Broader Autism Phenotype
Kemp, Blakelee R (2018) Early Social Origins of Premature Aging: How Do Childhood Exposures Shape Aging and Mortality?
Kendall, Megan (2018) Tweets of Wrath: Assessing Social Media Influence in Organizational Crisis
Kenison, Erin K (2018) Advancing Eastern Hellbender Conservation Through Novel Head-Starting Techniques
Kennedy, Kendall J (2018) Essays on the Economics of Education
Kepley, Paul A (2018) Techniques for Reconstructing a Riemannian Metric via the Boundary Control Method
Kerschen, Nicholas E (2018) Investigation into High Explosive Particle Dynamics under Impact Loading
Kersey, Elizabeth (2018) Refracting Gender: Experiences of Transgender Students in Postsecondary STEM Education
Khangura, Rajdeep Singh (2018) Dissection of Genetic Variation in Maize Underlying Photosynthetic Traits
Kiel, Alexander Michael (2018) Understanding Putative Mechanisms of Coronary Flow Control
Kilicarslan, Mehmet (2018) Motion Paradigm to Detect Pedestrians and Vehicle Collision
Kim, Changeun (2018) Atomistic Simulations and Microscopic Experiments to Understand Nanoscale Composition Control
Kim, Daniel (2018) Ultra Purification of Gallium by Zone Refining
Kim, Hyungkwan (2018) Welfare Impacts of Optimal Virtual Bidding in a Multi-settlement Electricity Market with Transmission Line Congestion
Kim, Jongsoo (2018) Three Essays on Strategic Human Capital, Managers and Competitive Advantage
Kim, Jungsuk (2018) Development of Quantitative Kinetic Models for Single-Site Olefin Polymerization
Kim, Junhyup (2018) To Give or to Act? The Transition of NGOS from Aid Donors to Human Rights Advocates
Kim, Kukjin (2018) Turbulent Heat Transfer in Supercritical Fluids under Transcritical Temperature Conditions
Kim, Min Ku (2018) Stretchable Thin-film Electronics for Wearable Biomedical Applications
Kinnun, Jacob Jerald (2018) Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy Applied to Model Membranes: Effects of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
Kiraz, Mert Sinan Recep (2018) Marchenko Redatuming and Imaging for Carbon Sequestration Monitoring: Application to The Frio Experiment
Kirk, Cody D (2018) Dynamic Behavior of Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel
Klenosky, Daniel R (2018) Large Strain Extrusion Machining of AA7050
Kole, Ayeeshik (2018) Depth-resolved Assessment of Atherosclerosis by Intravascular Photoacoustic-ultrasound Imaging
Kong, John Yuk (2018) Development of Tandem Mass Spectrometric Methods And Instrumentation for the Structural Elucidation of Unknown Drug Metabolites Based on Ion/Molecule Reactions
Kong, Ran (2018) Characterization of Horizontal Air-water Two-phase Flow in Different Pipe Sizes
Korkmaz, Cem (2018) Evaluation of Redundancy in Composite Twin-Tub-Girder Bridges with Finite Element Analysis
Kovach, William E (2018) The Effects of a Career Development Intervention on the Career Aspirations of Middle School Students
Kozik, Ariangela J (2018) The Impact of Host Variables and Tumor Necrosis Factor on the Gut Microbiome in a Mouse Model of Crohn’S Disease
Krause, Liesl A (2018) Dielectrically-accurate Tissue Simulating Materials for a Heterogeneous Breast MRI Phantom
Krogmeier, Paul M (2018) A Core Calculus for Data Refinement
Kroll, Matthew L (2018) "Muthologos Has Lost Such Ground": Myth, History and Orality in the Poetics of Charles Olson
Kroneman, Logan P (2018) Investment Casting of Thin Sections in Superalloys
Kulathintekizhakethil, Mathew Jijo (2018) Transportation System Performance Measures Using Internet of Things Data
Kulesza, Christopher F (2018) The Effects of Campaign Finance Law on Donations to State Legislative Campaigns
Kulkarni, Prahlad (2018) Experimental Investigation of Foam-Phase Change Material Interactions for Thermal Energy Storage
Kumar, Rohit (2018) Predicting Breakage of Needle-shaped Large Aspect Ratio Particles Using Discrete Element Method (DEM)
Kumar, Saurabh (2018) Real-Time Road Traffic Events Detection and Geo-Parsing
Kundu, Arpan (2018) Nanoscale Multiphysics Phenomena for a New Generation of Energy Storage and Conversion Devices
Kuo, Shih-Ping (2018) Graphic Design Students' Development of Adaptive Expertise in Ideation Strategies
Kutsor, Alexandra L (2018) The Relationship among Type of Disclosure, Social Reaction, Self-Blame, and Empowerment in Heterosexual, Female Adult Sexual Assault Survivors
Kwon, Hyukjoon (2018) System and Thermal Modeling of Hydraulic Hybrids: Thermal Characteristics Analysis
Kwon, Yonghwi (2018) Combatting Advanced Persistent Threat via Causality Inference and Program Analysis
Kyle, Trevor A (2018) Synthesis of Inhomogeneous Waves Using the Least-squares Method
La Cross, Christopher (2018) The Effectiveness of Visual Input Enhancement Across Multiple Proficiency Levels on the Noticing and L2 Development of German Vocabulary and Reading
LaFleur, Allison (2018) The Role of Direct Insolation And Near-Surface Moisture Advection in the Recovery of Cape on 31 March 2016 During Vortex-Southeast
Landrum, Jianping (2018) An Examination of Marketing Factors that Influence Nontraditional College Student Enrollment Decisions
Larson, Anna (2018) The Reliability of Symphony Link in Emergency Scenarios
Lavan, Monika (2018) Formulation Strategies and Optimization of Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs for Preclinical and Clinical Applications
Lavernia, Alejandro C (2018) Micro-scale Waste Heat Recovery from Stationary Internal Combustion Engines by Sub-critical Organic Rankine Cycle Utilizing Scroll Machinery
Lavetti, Eric (2018) An Accident Waiting to Happen: Cognitive Drivers of Unsafe Cycling Behavior
Lee, Hun Chan (2018) Design and Analysis of a Body-Powered Underactuated Prosthetic Hand
Lee, Hyoeun (2018) Optimal Placement of a Small Order in a Diffusive Limit Order Book
Lee, Laura (2018) History of Scars
Lee, Min Kyung (2018) Simulation Modeling of a Stroke Systems of Care: Improving Patient Outcomes in Rural Communities
Lee, Pei-Ting (2018) Exploitation of the Cloud: Comparing the Perspectives of Cybercriminals and Cybersecurity Experts
Lee, Yeunjae (2018) Conceptualizing Relationship Development in Public Relations: Two Perspectives on Relationship Types
Leitch, Stephen (2018) Web Site Analytics: The Potential for Transformation of a Restaurant's Marketing Strategy - A Case Study of a Casual Dining Restaurant in the Midwest
Lewis, Sarah E (2018) The Genomics of Development Rate Variation in Cochliomyia macellaria (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
Liao, Cong (2018) Nested Planetary Geartrain Design for Vibration Reduction Using Augmented Direct Gear Design Methodology
Liao, Hangjie (2018) Flash X-Ray Tomography of Kolsky Bar Experiments
Liddle, Daniel Joseph (2018) Beyond Animation: Toward a Rhetoric of Motion Design for Technical and Professional Writing
Lien, Jessie (2018) The Acute Effects of Isoflurane and Propofol on the Olfactory-Cognitive Ability of Brown Root Rot Disease Fungus Detection Dogs
Li, Meng (2018) Air Traffic Delay Prediction Based on Machine Learning and Delay Propagation
Lim, Jieun (2018) Disciplinary Differences in a Community of Inquiry
Lin, Chaihua (2018) Stereotype Threat, Perfectionism, and Women's Career Outcomes
Lin, Ching-Sheng (2018) Design and Analysis of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Systems for Nuclear Waste Minimization
Lindsay, Amelia M (2018) CAN-Based Forage Yield Mapping
Lin, Hao (2018) Large Scale Data Analysis in Parallel R and Its Use in Efficiently Scheduling Batch Jobs in the Cloud
Lin, I-Fan (2018) Biologically Inspired Delay-Doppler Neighborhood Processing of Radar Waveforms for Enhanced Delay-Doppler Resolution