Good: Download all files from sharepoint
Download all files from sharepoint | 91 |
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Hi all,
In our company we're shutting down one of our SharePoint Online tenants.
Problem is that we have a couple of sites with a few hundred subsites, which all have documents libraries.
In order to keep the data, we're looking for a way to download all the data from all the subsites and sites.
I've been looking all over the internet, but couldn't find an answer.
Does someone know if it is possible to do this, and perhaps point me in the direction on how to do this.
Thank you so much.
Kindest regards
The most straightforward way would be to open the top level site in File Explorer and just start downloading.
In Internet Explorer pick a top level folder, on the right click on All Documents and View in File Explorer.
You can also use the URL to map a drive letter.
4 Replies
The most straightforward way would be to open the top level site in File Explorer and just start downloading.
In Internet Explorer pick a top level folder, on the right click on All Documents and View in File Explorer.
You can also use the URL to map a drive letter.
As @Mike4003 says, the File explorer can definitely do this. I think I used this approach when I had to do the same.
https://Microsoft SharePoint Server
These methods might not give you any validation of what was copied and what failed though.
I also recall having to go third party to get the reporting I needed.
This is going to be a manually-intensive process. You have to keep careful track of where you are and where it fails (it will fail) so you can pick it up again.
It sucks.
I had to migrate hundreds of thousands of files in tens of thousands of directories across more than 50 sites. It took a few months.
Did I mention it sucks? There's really nothing for it but to dig-in and make it happen.
I know I'm swimming upstream here, but I see this as the major weakness of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 . It's great until it needs to be redesigned or consolidated into another system. Then it's a nightmare.
Thank you,
It seems like it works by using the File Explorer method of @ Mike4003.
Unfortunately for my specific problem, the subsites were created by interface over middleware and have all a very generic folder name. (eg. 001b000000dQl3NAAS)
This means I will have to find a way to map the foldernames to the site names... Fun guaranteed.
Thank you for your help tho!
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