How to download games on steam on browser - agree, remarkable
How to download games on steam on browser - firmly
Think: How to download games on steam on browser
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Can I bulk download Steam games?
Sorry for the very late reply, but a lot of people visit this page because they are searching for the same. This is exactly what you are looking for: (old link:
IT IS FINALLY HERE! This script allows you to install all your STEAM games without user intervention.
Made by the one and only real Master-Guy How it works:
1) Log in into Steam on the computer where you want to download the games.
2) Install this script on any computer, it may be the same one, or a different one. I used the same computer myself.
3) Log in into the Steam Community in FireFox
4) Go to the following URL in FireFox, but replace the asterix (*) with your Steam Community name:*/games?tab=all#installall
For example:
The script will wait 5 seconds before starting, and will trigger all game installation with 10 second intervals. The build-in download scheduler of Steam will pause the updates while starting the new one, and will only download one at a time. This is to optimize your download speed. This installed around 400 games and 150 DLC's onto my computer in 8 hours of time without any further user intervention. It might however require you to start the script twice if the internet connection isn't optimal.
If the 5 seconds isn't enough for the complete page to load, change the following line: var timeBeforeFirstGame = 5000; Increase the 5000 to the number of milliseconds you want to wait for the page to load.