Treacherous waves pdf download pathfinder

Treacherous waves pdf download pathfinder

treacherous waves pdf download pathfinder

Download: PDF file · PDF file for cards with simple backs (duplex short side) horizontal for "move", polka dots for "secret", "waves" for mental or concentration, like this). I made a Pathfinder 2E Herolab Online to Foundry Virtual Tabletop Converter! Can a bunch of clattering skeletons defeat a trio of treacherous drow? Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Campaign is published by Paizo Publishing, LLC under the Open Game License version Waves: You were swept beneath the surface of the with quicksand, poisonous plants, and treacherous water. Amplitude, A. • Wavelength, λ. • Frequency, f and period, T. • Wave velocity,. 15-1 Characteristics of Wave Motion. Page 6. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education. treacherous waves pdf download pathfinder

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By Eleanor Ferron
Author Eleanor Ferron
Development Lead Linda Zayas-Palmer
Contributing Artists Paul Guzenko, Jeff Lai,
JorgeMaese, Diana Martinez, and Tom Ventre
Cartographer Jason Engle and Sean Macdonald
Editor-in-Chief F. Wesley Schneider
Creative Director James Jacobs
Creative Design Director Sarah E. Robinson
Executive Editor James L. Sutter
Senior Developer Robert G. McCreary Table of Contents
Organized Play Lead Developer John Compton
Developers Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier,
AmandaHamon Kunz, Mark Moreland,
Owen K.C. Stephens, and Linda Zayas-Palmer
Managing Editor Judy Bauer
Senior Editor Christopher Carey Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Editors Jason Keeley, Lyz Liddell, Elisa Mader,
BradMatteson, Adrian Ng, Joe Pasini, and
Lead Designer Jason Bulmahn Player Handouts . . . . . . . . . . 23
Senior Designer Stephen Radney-MacFarland
Designers Logan Bonner and Mark Seifter
Art Director Sonja Morris
Senior Graphic Designers Emily Crowell and
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Project Manager Jessica Price
Organized Play Coordinator Tonya Woldridge

Publisher Erik Mona Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Paizo CEO Lisa Stevens
Chief Operations Officer Jeffrey Alvarez
Chief Financial Officer John Parrish
Director of Sales Pierce Watters Chronicle Sheet . . . . . . . . . . 28
Sales Associate Cosmo Eisele
Marketing Director Jenny Bendel
Outreach Coordinator Dan Tharp
Director of Licensing Michael Kenway
Staff Accountant Ashley Kaprielian
Data Entry Clerk B. Scott Keim
Chief Technical Officer Vic Wertz
Director of Technology Dean Ludwig
GM Resources
Senior Software Developer Gary Teter Treacherous Waves makes use of the following Roleplaying Game products: Pathfinder
Community & Digital Content Director Chris Lambertz RPG Core Rulebook, Pathfinder Ultimate Intrigue (UI), Pathfinder Ultimate Equipment (UE),
Webstore Coordinator Rick Kunz
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 (B4), and the Pathfinder Monster Codex
Customer Service Team Sharaya Copas, Katina Davis, (MC). In addition to being available for purchase in bookstores and game stores worldwide,
Sara Marie Teter, and Diego Valdez
Warehouse Team Laura Wilkes Carey, Will Chase, all rules referenced in this adventure can be found in the free Pathfinder Reference Document
Mika Hawkins, Heather Payne, Jeff Strand, and online at All relevant rules from the Bestiary volumes and the stat blocks from
the Monster Codex and are reprinted at the end of the scenario for the GMs convenience.
Website Team Christopher Anthony, William Ellis,
LissaGuillet, Don Hayes, and Erik Keith

Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined
HOW TO PLAY in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Game Content: All
trademarks, registered trademarks, proper nouns (characters, deities, locations, etc., as well
as all adjectives, names, titles, and descriptive terms derived from proper nouns), artworks,
characters, dialogue, locations, plots, storylines, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously
Pathfinder Society Scenario #819: Treacherous been designated as Open Game Content, or are exclusively derived from previous open game
content, or that are in the public domain are not included in this declaration.)
Waves is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed
for 3rd- through 7th-level characters (Tier 37; Open Game Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the
Subtiers 34 and 67). This scenario is designed game mechanics of this Paizo game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open
Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material
for play in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Guild campaign, but can easily be adapted for
use with any world. For more information on Pathfinder Society Scenario #819: Treacherous Waves 2017, Paizo Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Paizo, Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, and Pathfinder Society
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By Eleanor Ferron

or centuries, dozens of petty sahuagin tribes on
the Plane of Water have feuded within a 100-mile- Where on the Planes?
wide forest of pink jellyfish, known to locals as the Treacherous Waves takes place in Vialesk, the Plane of
Lambent Bloom. Over each generation, the bloodthirsty, Waters largest independent city and a prominent trade
piscine sahuagin have mutated to adapt to their home, hub. For more information about Vialesk and the Plane of
sporting pink stripes as camouflage and growing a Water, see Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Planes of Power,
thick skin that is immune to jellyfish stings. Recently, a available at bookstores and hobby shops everywhere and
cunning sahuagin called Baron Zemdar rose to power after online at
discovering a massive, abandoned settlement on the inside
of a shell and claiming it as his own. Within the shell, he
found the Throne of Deep Currents, a mother-of-pearl throne and Baron Zemdar himself. At a critical juncture, Zemdar
with a crystal decanter of roiling tides set into its peak. After changed the tides and engulfed the expedition in a toxic
some experimentation, Zemdar discovered the throne could algae bloom. The bloom forced the caravan to retreat back to
control the ocean for hundreds of miles in any direction. Vialesk, with algae clinging to the survivors and poisoning
After using his newfound power to conquer and unite the waters around them as they fled. As a result, several coral
the disparate tribes of the Lambent Bloom, Baron Zemdar reefs near Vialesk are starting to die.
turned his hungry gaze to a new target: Vialesk, a wealthy Zahra was left fuming at the disaster, convinced by
independent port. Knowing full well that his army had little circumstantial evidence that her failure had been the result
chance of capturing the city, Zemdar instead began planning of malicious sabotage. However, some of the expedition
a daring raid. Using the Throne of Deep Currents, the sahuagin members blame Zahra herself for the catastrophe, believing
planned to guide jellyfish of the Lambent Bloom directly the brush with the toxic algae to be an error in Zahras
into Vialesk, and then seize as many of the citys treasures as navigation. Worse yet, Tsomo and Zemdar have stepped up
he could during the ensuing chaos. the time line on their invasion plans, hoping to raid Vialesk
Zemdars plan had one serious flaw: the jellyfish of the before the Pathfinders have a chance to regroup.
Lambent Bloom could not attack the air-filled portions of
Vialesk. To that end, he dispatched a spy named Tsomo SUMMARY
Qorra to infiltrate the city. Tsomo identified Vialesks central The PCs receive a request from Zahra to investigate
forge, the Glass Pit, as a potential weak point, making plans a disaster that befell one of her expeditions. The PCs
to seal off the gigantic furnace and then flood it to cause a interview Zahras suspects, piecing together clues that foul
pressure explosion. He hired an unwitting mechanic, Yuka play was involved. The trail of evidence leads the PCs to
Kannamen, to help him import the alchemical materials the home and warehouse of the malenti spy Tsomo Qorra.
necessary for his goal. Tsomo also stationed sahuagin As the PCs return from the warehouse, they encounter
accomplices throughout and near the city, which is how Tsomos sahuagin agents and find documents outlining
he learned of a potential snag: the Pathfinder Society agent his plans to destroy Vialesks massive forge, the Glass Pit.
Zahra, who had heard rumors that some of the lost elemental In order to stop the forge from exploding, the PCs must
lord Lysianassas power might remain at the shell settlement, repair the damage the sahuagin has done. Whether the
and planned an expedition to the remote location. PCs undo Tsomos work or not, he attempts to flee the
Tsomo infiltrated Zahras expedition, setting up a city, forcing the PCs to chase him down. After a fraught
cunning trap. By carving codes into the fins of the caravans pursuit through the marketplace, the PCs corner Tsomo in
whale sharks, Tsomo coordinated with his sahuagin scouts a docking bay, forcing him to fight.


GETTING STARTED graciously accepts any return pleasantries or introductions.

The Pathfinder agent Zahra urgently summons the PCs If the PCs ask further about what happened and what Zahra
to the Plane of Water to request their aid investigating wishes to them investigate, Lileone continues.
a mishap that befell her expedition. She arranges
transportation for the PCs to the Plane of water and hires A week ago, Zahra set out on an expedition towards a sea of
a giant turtle-drawn carriage to take the PCs to the city of jellyfish known as the Lambent Bloom. She believed she had
Vialesk. A bubble of magically replenishing air encases the made an incredible discovery: the remnants of one of the lost
carriage, allowing the PCs to survive the journey through elemental lord Lysianassas servants, which might still hold a
the boundless sea. Read or paraphrase the following to fragment of Lysianassas power. I was skeptical of her claims, but
begin the scenario. I joined her. If there was any chance she was correct, I thought it
was worth investigating. I should have thought better of it. Not
A broad coral structure dozens of stories tall emerges from the two days into our journey, Zahra steered our caravan too close
boundless sea. A steady stream of submersibles dock and depart, to a patch of the Carmine Scourge, a poisonous red algae that
while dockworkers unload goods and carry them to carefully drifts through the plane on the tides. They say it blooms in places
protected glass tunnels. Water mephits swim and flit about, where the elemental lord Kelizandri has passed, and it certainly
surveying the new arrivals. The turtle-drawn carriage swims up shares his hunger. It sprung upon our caravan as if drawn by a
to one of the tunnels. As the carriages bubble of air meets the magnet, sending everything into chaos and killing most of our
tunnels mouth, fresh air flows into the carriage, carrying with precious whale sharks. Several members of our expedition are
it the smell of fish. Within the glass passage, an elf with teal still violently ill, and I only survived myself because I was scouting
hair, webbed fingers, and gills stares out at the sea. As the turtles when the incident occurred. Worse yet, though we managed to
come to a stop, she raises her pale blue hands in an unfamiliar escape, the algae clung to us as we fled back to Vialesk. It broke
greeting. A golden wayfinder is secured tightly to her wrist, and a off and settled among the coral reefs, and now the reefs have
pair of long coral daggers is strapped to her back. So, she actually begun to die.
did it, the elf comments, tilting her head and giving a small Zahra has managed to convince herself some great conspiracy
smirk. I had heard Zahra was threatening to summon agents is to blame, rather than her poor navigation decisions and her
to investigate what happened, but I thought it might merely be inability to listen to anyone else. I have no doubt she truly
bluster to save face. Still, whatever cause has brought you here, believes shes innocent; she has always been stubborn and
you are welcome in our city. I am Lileone Blacktide, and I wish you arrogant, and it has always led her into trouble. The Society may
luck, but I warn you that there is no culprit for you to find beyond have overlooked her errors in the past due to her superb mind
Zahra herself. and her talent for damage control, but this time, I will not allow
them to slide. I warned her that the waters ahead didnt seem
Lileone (LG female aquatic elf ranger 5) offers bitingly to right to me, but she couldnt be troubled to listen. She has no
take the PCs to Zahras residence (see page 5), though she excuse for the damage she has done and I will see to it that
she is held accountable for her negligence. I look forward to your
attempts to prove me wrong.

If the PCs ask Lileone any questions that are not

covered in the briefing above, she asks them to direct
their questions to Zahra. Despite the fact that she is
clearly biased, Lileone wishes to see true justice done
and places the safety of Vialesks citizens above all else.
Throughout the adventure, the PCs can call upon her
as an ally if they convince her that they need her aid.
The PCs can attempt a DC 16 Diplomacy check when
initially meeting her (DC 19 in Subtier 67), with
lawful PCs gaining a +2 circumstance bonus; if a PC
succeeds, Lileone gives them three potions of water
breathing to aid them in exploring Vialesk.
The PCs can also secure her assistance later in the
adventure; to this end, Lileone stays relatively nearby
so that the PCs can find her when necessary. If they ask
for her aid in questioning suspects, she reveals that she
can cast speak with animals and helps the PCs interrogate


Honokes whale sharks and Tsomos pets. The PCs can also together to save the reef. I will warn you not to employ any
convince Lileone to gather allies to protect Yuka Kannamen expedition traitors in this task.
later in the adventure (see Yukas Workshop on page 9). She can also provide details on the following subjects.
Finally, after finding Yukas logbook in his workshop, the What were you hoping to find on your expedition? I
PCs can ask Lileone for help deciphering its significance discovered several promising texts hinting of a fragment of
(see Yukas Workshop on page 9). Assume that the PCs can Lysianassas power. You know Lysianassa? She is one of the
find Lileone with 10 minutes of searching for her. lost elemental lords. It was said that she ruled this plane,
The PCs might accuse Lileone of being the expeditions until Kelizandri imprisoned her. I located several sources
traitor during the adventure. While Zahra is open to claiming that she gifted her breath to a servant, a giant
compelling arguments, the Vialesk guards automatically nautilus called Riam the Unyielding, who was sent to govern
dismiss any such claims. Lileone herself is quick to forgive the seas in her absence. But Riam was lost, blast it all, due
the PCs for their misguided diligence, but in this event she to Kelizandris witless brine dragonswhen they mortally
is unable to convince her allies to help protect Yuka. wounded Riam, it dove into the Lambent Bloom and it
could not be retrieved. I organized the expedition to pursue
ZAHRA rumors of its giant shell, which was claimed to be a holy site
Zahra (NG female undine bard 7/fighter 1) meets the until a few centuries back. I was unable to verify anything
PCs at her residence in the air-district of Vialesk. It without traveling in person, as the shell proved resistant
is obvious that the recent events have upset her to divination and teleportation spells.
greatly, as she has difficulty keeping her thoughts What is the Lambent Bloom? A school of giant
organized and keeping signs of anger off her face. pink jellyfish that stretches nearly a hundred
She informs the PCs that she wishes them to miles wide. The jellyfish stings dont affect
investigate the failure of her last expedition. sharks, so we employed whale sharks as our
All the on-site evidence has been lost to caravan beasts, and engaged a number of
the tides and the algae, but she submersibles to protect ourselves.
firmly believes the disaster was What evidence is there of sabotage? A
due to foul play. Zahra is trying rhythmic clanging in the distance, half an
to track down the expedition hour before the caravan encountered the algae
members who have left the city and bloom. I am confident this was a signal, though
is searching for any external forces I have yet to ascertain who was signaling. As
that could have attacked the caravan. I have double checked my navigation and
She gives the PCs a list of the survivors know I was not at fault, the noise must have
that remain in Vialesk, and she asks them been related to the disaster.
to investigate the people on that list (see What do you know about
Player Handout: Zahras List on page 23). Lileone? That woman! She
She highly recommends the PCs be subtle, calls me the arrogant one!
in case there was a saboteur among the She has always challenged my
previous adventurers. authority over the smallest of details.
Zahra can give the PCs a summary of No doubt she feels herself vindicated
events similar to the one Lileone gave if by this disaster. No, but I must be more
they ask, although Zahra insists that the charitable. Lileone has a deep love for
incident with the toxic algae was no careless sharks, and she was enamored with our
accident; rather, she tells the PCs that the caravan beasts. Most of the creatures died
nearest growth of that type of algae should from the poison, and shes lashing
have been miles away from their route. out at me in grief. I have neither
Although she does not believe that she is the time nor the disposition to
directly responsible for the damage to the deal with her, but she does
reefs, she still wishes to do whatever have strong connections
she can to stop it. She explains, with the Vialesk guards, and
Many of the expedition she is knowledgeable about
suppliers and survivors the Plane of Waters flora
are associated with larger and fauna. She could prove
organizations, and such Zahra valuable to you if you appeal to
resources could be pooled hersentiments.


himself is in terrible health, as he was outside of the

Scaling the Investigation submersibles when the toxin hit and barely made it back
Both Subtiers: To accommodate groups of four PCs, reduce alive. The despondent giant can barely bring himself to
all skill check DCs by 2. acknowledge the PCs, much less answer any questions.
The PCs can stabilize the living whale sharks if one of
them succeeds at a DC 20 Heal, Knowledge (nature), or Craft
INVESTIGATION (alchemy) check (DC 24 in Subtier 67), or by using any spell
This adventure takes place on a 24-hour timetable. or item that can remove the effects of poison. The PCs
At the end of this time, Tsomo completes his can also use healing spells or items on Honoke
plan to destroy the Glass Pit. Keep careful himself, though he is far more concerned
track of how much time the PCs spend in about his beloved animals. Once the PCs
their investigation. Moving between any have helped the whale sharks, Honoke
two locations in Vialesk takes 1 hour calms down enough to tell them what he
unless the PCs have means to expedite knows: he corroborates Zahras assertion
their travel. Zahra provides the that there was rhythmic
PCs with directions to Honokes clanging shortly before
home, Razethkas pool, Tsomos the disaster, and he felt
offices, and Yukas workshop, as the tide change direction
detailed below. The PCs may towards the caravan soon
also wish to investigate after the sound. He has no
around Vialesk or the explanation for either of
poisoned reef. Details of these events.
all of these lines of inquiry Honoke Anyone who interacts with
are presented below. the sharks can attempt a DC
Careful investigation reveals a trail of 15 Perception or Handle Animal check
clues that point toward Tsomo Qorra and hint to some (DC 19 in Subtier 67) to notice a pattern of notches down
sort of larger scheme afoot in Vialesk. As the PCs progress one of the whale sharks fins. A PC who succeeds at a DC
their search, two more locations become available: Tsomos 14 Linguistics check (DC 18 in Subtier 67) recognizes the
residence and Tsomos warehouse. While Zahra does not marks are some kind of code. Honoke does not notice the
know where either of these places is located, other NPCs marks unless the PCs point them out. He does not know
can steer the PCs in the right direction, as described what the marks mean, but he is certain that the marks
below. Honoke and Razethka know where Tsomo lives, are fresh. The PCs can use the spell speak with animals to
and Lileone, Razethka, or Yuka can help the PCs find the question the shark; if none of them are capable of casting
warehouse if given the proper clues. Alternatively, the PCs this spell, they can ask Lileone for assistance. The whale
can find Tsomos home with a successful DC 20 Diplomacy shark tells them another shark carved the notches in its fins
check to gather information (DC 24 in Subtier 67), which and asked it to find other sharks in truth, the sharks
takes the typical 1d4 hours. They can find the warehouse it refers to are Tsomo and the sahuagin scouts, whom the
with a gather information check at the same DC as long whale shark identifies as kin due to the sahuagins strong
as they have recovered the logbook from Yukas workshop racial affinity towards sharks.
(see page 9). If the PCs ask Honoke where they can find Tsomo and
This adventure takes place within the massive air give a reason why they should know where he lives, such
pockets that surround much of Vialesk. The PCs do not as suspecting that Tsomo is responsible for the poisoning,
have to concern themselves with swimming or breathing Honoke gives the PCs directions to Tsomos residence.
underwater unless otherwise noted. Honoke is one of the NPCs who can aid the poisoned
reefs. Convincing him to do so requires a successful
Honoke the Giant DC22 Diplomacy check (DC 26 in Subtier 67). If the PCs
Honoke is an elderly ocean giant (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary have successfully aided his whale sharks, they gain a +6
4 127), a widower who had taken comfort by raising whale circumstance bonus on this check. If the PCs fail their
sharks in his later years. When the PCs encounter him, initial attempt at persuasion, they can show Honoke an
he is swimming in a submerged enclosure, dragging his injured animal from one of the reefs to make a second
remaining animals through the water. The sharks are too attempt; the PCs can either obtain the animal themselves
weak to swim fast enough to pass water through their gills, (see Vialesk and Beyond on page 9) or ask Lileone to bring
and would suffocate without his constant effort. Honoke such an animal to them (which takes her 2 hours). If the PCs


convince Honoke to assist the reefs, he emphasizes that he four-armed sahuagin or spined sahuagin. Vialesk is known
will not be able to make much of a difference without help, to have a tribe of prehistoric sahuagin among the ranks of
and asks the PCs to find others to aid him. its army.
25+: Rumors speak of rare sahuagin mutants known as
Razethkas Pool malenti, who are identical in appearance to aquatic elves but
Razethka the Scarred is a brine dragon. Her abode is a share their kinfolks bloodthirsty nature.
massive marble pool surrounded by stained glass windows If the PCs mention the alchemical residue in Tsomos
that shed dazzling green light throughout the water. She office or confide that they believe something bigger is going
demands the PCs wait half an hour in her atrium before on, Razethka mentions that Yuka has been importing large
receiving them, claiming she is moving to a more suitable quantities of cement and ironflame powder for unknown
audience chamber for their meeting. When they are finally reasons, and suggests the PCs question him about this. If
allowed inside, the sizable brine dragon greets them. The Yuka is dead, Razethka huffs and takes it upon herself to
dragons scars are covered with patches of brilliant sea hunt down financial records and the warehouse to which
anemones. Razethka is surprisingly gracious to the PCs Yuka was sending shipments (see Tsomos Warehouse on
despite her unnecessary delay, offering to completely fund page 14). This task takes her 1 hour.
the Pathfinder Societys next expedition to the Lambent If the PCs mention being unable to find Tsomo, she
Bloom. If the PCs question the motive for her generosity, asks them what they have tried so far in their investigation.
she tells them she is personally offended by the expeditions Unless they have already been to his residence, she mocks
failure after she attached her name and resources to it. The their skills as investigators and offers them advice in a
PCs can attempt a DC 20 Sense Motive (DC 24 in Subtier condescending manner before giving them directions to his
67) to notice she is hiding something; if they call her out home. If they have been to his home, she instead muses that
on it, Razethka admits she has heard a magic item which his disappearance is most intriguing.
can change the tides is rumored to be within the lost shell If the PCs have failed a skill check to glean information
settlement, and that she is interested in it. from a clue they have found or have failed a Knowledge check
Razethka is touchy about her scars, but open on most to learn about a subject, they can ask Razethka to educate
other subjects. She honestly denies any allegations of them; however, the dragon drags out her explanations with
tampering, citing a pointless loss of capital if the PCs appear considerable self-aggrandizing, taking 10 minutes for every
skeptical. She did not go on the expedition, and thus has answer the PCs receive in this manner. The GM can use this
little information on the specifics, but she offers her theories education flexibly to fill in gaps in the PCs investigation.
if asked about any of the details. If the PCs ask Razethka to help with the poisoned
If the PCs mention the rhythmic clanging noise Zahra reef, she seems disinterested and complains that pointless
and Honoke heard before the disaster, Razethka agrees that philanthropy is demeaning. The PCs can flatter her into
it could have been a signal. She mentions Vialesks Sonaphor accepting with a successful DC 22 Diplomacy or Perform
a series of tuba-like horns that are used to hear sounds (oratory) check (DC 26 in Subtier 67), bribe her with a non-
for miles aroundand how sound is instrumental to long- consumable magic item, or attempt a DC 20 Bluff check
distance communication underwater. She adds that the (DC 24 in Subtier 67) to promise her the first pick of any
Sonaphor has been constantly clogged with seaweed for the treasures found on the next expedition. Even if she agrees to
past month. help clean the reef, she makes it clear that she is unwilling
If the PCs ask Razethka about her opinions on the to perform all of the dirty work, and insists that the PCs
sabotage, Razethka informs them about several tribes of find someone else to assist her. If the PCs have repeatedly
sahuagin that live in the Lambent Bloom, and opines the badgered Razethka about her scars, she refuses to help the
caravan disaster was due to outside aggression instead reef for any reason.
of internal treachery. The PCs can attempt a Knowledge
(nature) check for more information on sahuagin, learning Tsomos Offices
the information with a DC less than or equal to the results Zahras directions lead the PCs to Tsomos offices. A brief
of their check. exploration of the building reveals four murajaus (Pathfinder
10+: Sahuagin are a prosperous and warlike aquatic race, Campaign Setting: Planes of Power), who are happy to answer
launching constant raids on coastal races and underwater questions, as well as a harried assistant. A murajau named
cities. They once had mighty empire on the Plane of Water, Chailai shows maps of the plotted route and where the
but bitter in fighting caused it to crumble. algae bloom should have been if the maps were correct. PCs
15+: Sahuagin have a strong affinity for sharks, allowing who succeed at a DC 18 Profession (sailor) or Knowledge
them to telepathically communicate with the creatures. (planes) check (DC 21 in Subtier 67) confirm that the route
20+: Sahuagin are prone to beneficial mutations, such as should not have gone near dangerous algae if Zahra properly


followed it. Chailai also explains the murajaus interest in promise to enlist their friends and family in the effort as
the shell settlement, citing murajau legends that the shell well. Chailai requests that the PCs ask other members of
was once a funeral site for the last followers of Lysianassa. the expedition also to help, since she recognizes that the
She and her fellow murajaus have a strong interest in taking problem is beyond their ability to solve alone.
a pilgrimage there. The harried assistant appears to be a blue-skinned aquatic
One of the murajaus is holding a tank with a small elf in dark blue robes with braided green hair that reaches
bamboo shark in it. The shark belongs to Tsomo; the down to the small of his back. He is juggling piles of maps
murajau claims she spotted it swimming in Vialesks and charts when the PCs arrive and does not introduce
marketplace and brought it back for him. PCs who succeed himself unless the PCs specifically ask for his name, in
at a DC 14 Perception check (DC 18 in Subtier 67) notice the which case he gives them the name Sorin. If the PCs address
shark has notches in its fins much like the notches found on him, he gives them a despondent look before explaining that
Honokes whale sharks (see Honoke the Giant on page 6). If Mr. Qorra is very busy and not accepting new clients at the
asked, Chailai tells the PCs that all of Tsomos sharks have moment. If the PCs say theyre investigating the expedition,
similar marks, in order to prove Tsomos ownership. PCs he sullenly accuses Zahra of aiming to use Mr. Qorra as a
can cast speak with animals to interrogate the shark, or ask scapegoat and hurting business and muses that if this keeps
Lileone to do so in their stead; the shark confirms Tsomo up he may be out of a job.
carved the marks, and sometimes sends it out of the city In truth, Sorin is actually Tsomo Qorra, and he isnt an elf
to find other sharks. The sharks it refers to are sahuagin at all. He is actually a malenti, a type of sahuagin that looks
scouts, which the shark considers its kin. like an aquatic elf. He is putting the finishing touches on
If the PCs ask the murajaus to help the poisoned his plan to destroy the Glass Pit, and has become paranoid
reef, they agree, citing their regret that the that Zahra might find him out before he has finished
expedition caused so much trouble, and his work. His statistics appear on page 20. He is using
his vigilante social identity, in which he appears as an
unassuming assistant. Tsomo regularly uses this identity
to spy upon rivals without drawing attention, using
makeup and clothing to cover his distinctive
pink stripes. Note that is vigilante abilities
give him a significant bonus on Disguise
checks to avoid revealing that he is Tsomo
Qorra, so it very unlikely that the PCs
will be able to detect his true identity at

Tsomos Residence
The PCs cannot travel to Tsomos
residence until they learn its
location from Honoke or Razethka,
or find it through other lines
of investigation, at the GMs
discretion. The malentis domicile
connects to Vialesks air-filled half,
but is completely submerged. PCs
without a means to breathe water
can explore by frequently exiting
to catch their breath, but taking 10
and taking 20 while searching takes
twice as much time when using this
method. The room is filled with corals
and schools of colorful fish, but is otherwise
sparsely furnished: a chest of clothes is wedged
into the south wall, a carved stone desk sits on
Murajau the floor, and a large saltwater tank extends
from the east wall.


Searching the desk reveals a number of beaded strings, of Power. PCs can also take the time to purchase items in
which anyone who speaks Aquan can identify as financial themarketplace.
records. PCs who succeed at a DC 15 Linguistics or If the PCs have a submersible, they can also investigate
Intelligence check ascertain that Tsomo has ordered many the poisoned reef, which lies 30 miles out from Vialesk. The
alchemical supplies from Yuka, using a pseudonym. The journey to the reef takes 2 hours round-trip. A simple glance
PCs can also attempt a DC 16 Perception check (DC 19 in informs the PCs that the damage will require a substantial
Subtier 67) to reveal a hidden compartment in the desk. amount of effort from multiple groups of people to fix. If the
If a PCs result exceeds the Perception DC by 5 or more, PCs explore further, they can spend a half hour to attempt
she also notices the compartment is trapped with a crude a DC 18 Survival check (DC 22 in Subtier 67) or a DC 15
mechanism. The trap can be disarmed with a successful DC Perception check (DC 19 in Subtier 67). A PC who succeeds
15 Disable Device check (DC 19 in Subtier 67); if the PCs at the Survival check can find a sickened animal they can
trigger this trap, it does no damage to them, but it ignites present to Honoke to convince him to aid the reef (see
a fire that incinerates everything inside the compartment Honoke the Giant on page 6); with a successful Perception
despite being underwater. If the PCs successfully disarm check, a character notices several huge pink jellyfish caught
the trap, they find several waterproof maps marked with on the poisoned coral. A successful DC 16 Knowledge (local)
the Pathfinder expeditions route and the original location check (DC 20 in Subtier 67) is required to identify them
of the algae bloom. They also find a tide chart and a set of as jellyfish from the Lambent Bloom. If the PCs fail these
calculations for how long it would take the tide to move the Perception or Survival checks, they may retry them as many
algae bloom, as well as a sinister mention of Having them times as they wish, taking a half hour per attempt.
handle the liability that Yuka presents to the operation, The PCs may also wish to investigate the city with a
by whatever means necessary with no mention of whom Diplomacy check to gather information. The PCs learn all
them may refer to. of the information below whose DC is less than or equal to
The saltwater tank is filled with a variety of marine life, the result of their check. This process takes 1d4 hours and
most notably a small host of bamboo and bonnethead represents canvassing Vialesk in general instead of focusing
sharks. Each of these sharks has a series of notches on its on the members of the expedition.
fins. The PCs can attempt a DC 20 Linguistics check to crack 10+: Vialesks Sonaphor a cluster of horns that is used
the code: if successful, they determine that each shark is to send and receive messages from other cities, has been
marked with a different command, such as Wait, Ready, clogged with seaweed for the past month.
Meet Here, Inform Zemdar, and others along a similar 15+: Rhythmic clanging noises have been heard outside
vein. The PCs can also open the tank to allow the sharks the city waters for several weeks. Most citizens assume
to leave; PCs who can breathe underwater can follow the it to be someone attempting to contact Vialesk via the
sharks through Vialesks water-filled streets and out of the broken Sonaphor, but the source of the communications is
city, where they encounter a group of hostile sahuagin (see unknown.
area B on page 12). 20+: Several merchants around the Glass Pit, Vialesks
massive forge, have lodged complaints about water seeping
Tsomos Warehouse into their shops.
The PCs do not initially know the location of Tsomos 25+: The local ferryboat captains have reported increased
warehouse, which he rented under a false name, but they sightings of pink-striped sahuagin in the waters near the
can discover it in the course of their investigation. This city. Speculation is split on whether they are planning to
structure is detailed further in area C (see page 14). prey on merchant caravans or seeking to join Vialesks well-
paying military.
Vialesk and Beyond
Vialesk and its surrounding waters are well patrolled, Yukas Workshop
giving the PCs an opportunity to explore in relative safety. Yuka spends much of his time tinkering in this space, which
The largest attraction is Arrekins Bazaar, Vialesks massive is detailed below.
marketplace and the lifeblood of the city. PCs who visit
are met by a young locathah who offers each of them a A. YUKAS WORKSHOP
bathysphere jellyfish in a jar for the substantial discount Depending upon when the PCs arrive at Yukas workshop,
of 20 gp. If a PC allows a bathysphere jellyfish to attach to two very different sights may greet them: either the inventor
her head, the jellyfish provides a continually replenishing himself, or his corpse.
pocket of air that lasts for 8 hours, allowing her to breathe Throughout their investigation, the PCs may discover
and speak normally underwater. The full statistics for that Yukas life is in danger. If the PCs speak to Lileone and
these creatures appear in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Planes succeed at a DC 17 Diplomacy check (DC 21 in Subtier 67)


A. Yukas Workshop



1 square = 5 feet
S : Sahuagin

they can convince her to ask her military allies to watch Yuka is happy to show the PCs his submersibles. A PC who
the selkie. If the PCs tell Lileone about Yukas alchemical succeeds at a DC 16 Knowledge (engineering) check (DC 20
shipments and argue it as grounds for suspicion, they gain in Subtier 67) can confirm they are in good working order
a +2 circumstance bonus on this Diplomacy check; showing and there is nothing suspicious about them. Yuka is willing
Lileone Tsomos records (see Tsomos Residence on page to rent a submersible to the PCs for 50 gold (100 gold in
8) also grants a +2 circumstance bonus. The PCs can gain Subtier 67), though a PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Diplomacy
additional +2 circumstance bonuses by mentioning the or Intimidate check (DC 21 in Subtier 67) convinces him to
sahuagin lurking outside Yukas workshop when they leave waive the fee entirely. Yuka also has a bottle of air lying on his
the building for the first time (see page 11) or the threatening workbench, though he refuses to lend it to the PCs unless they
message in Tsomos secret drawer (see Tsomos residence on win against him at Dragon Scalesa fast-paced game based
Page 8). These bonuses all stack. Alternatively, the PCs can around snatching tiles from a center pile and playing them
convince the selkie to seek out protection himself, although in certain combinations. PCs can attempt a DC 18 Sleight of
doing so is more difficult, requiring a successful DC 21 Hand check (DC 22 in Subtier 67), a DC 15 Dexterity check
Diplomacy check (DC 25 in Subtier 67). They receive a +4 (DC 17 in Subtier 67), or a DC 16 Intelligence check (DC 18 in
circumstance bonus on this check if they provide credible Subtier 67) to beat the selkie at his own game.
evidence of the threat. If the PCs have Tsomos records (see Tsomos Residence
As long as fewer than 12 hours have passed since beginning on page 8) or Razethka has tipped them off about Yukas
their investigation, the PCs find Yuka alive and well. Yuka (CN shipments (see Razethkas Pool on page 7), Yuka admits he
male selkieB4 expert 3) is a handsome dark-skinned man. He has been importing large amounts of cement and ironflame
wears goggles, gloves, and a thick eelskin jacket lined with powder for a client. Ironflame powder is an alchemical
many pockets. The selkie is happy to welcome the PCs into substance that burns briefly underwater or in a vacuum,
his lab, but is far more interested in being charming than as described in the ironflame grenade sidebar on page 19.
being helpful. Yuka was taking a nap in a submersible when PCs can attempt a DC 14 Bluff check, Diplomacy check, or
the algae bloom hit and did not witness anything of use. Intimidate check (DC 18 in Subtier 67) to convince Yuka


to show them his logbooks. Tsomo used an alias when

he ordered the materials, but Yuka can track down the Scaling Encounter A
warehouse that the shipments were sent to with a bit of Make the following changes to accommodate a group of
effort and 10 minutes of work (see Tsomos Warehouse on four PCs.
page 14). Subtier 34: Remove one sahuagin. One of the
The PCs might also ask Yuka to help with the poisoned remaining sahuagin is sickened, a byproduct of his
reef. If they do, Yuka offhandedly offers to build filters to discomfort with being out of the water.
help clean the algae out of the waters. PCs who succeed at a Subtier 67: Remove one sahuagin seastalker. All
DC 14 Sense Motive check (DC 18 in Subtier 67) realize the remaining seastalkers have already used their blood
selkie is not entirely reliable and is unlikely to remember to frenzy ability.
follow through. Once the PCs leave, Yuka promptly forgets
about his offer unless the PCs remind him twice more
during the adventure, make a forceful request for assistance Subtier 34 (CR 6)
with a successful DC 16 Intimidate check (DC 20 in Subtier
67), or devise some other strategy to help him remember. SAHUAGIN (4) CR 2
As the PCs leave Yukas workshop, with a successful DC 20 hp 15 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 239; see page 24)
Perception check (DC 24 in Subtier 67), they have a chance TACTICS
to notice a sahuagin watching the building. A PC who During Combat The sahuagin move to flank or corner
succeeds at a DC 15 Sense Motive check realizes he is staking individualPCs.
out the place. If the PCs force the creature into combat, use Morale The sahuagin fight to the death.
the statistics for a single sahuagin, as presented below. The
sahuagin does not admit its full intentions, but if the PCs Subtier 67 (CR 9)
question him, he comments that Yuka should watch who
he deals with. SAHUAGIN SEASTALKERS (4) CR 5
Twelve hours after the PCs begin their investigation, Sahuagin ranger 3 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 239)
Tsomo sends a group of sahuagin to eliminate Yuka (see LE Medium monstrous humanoid (aquatic)
Creatures below). If the PCs took sufficient precautions Init +5; Senses blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft.;
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Treacherous waves pdf download pathfinder

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