Powershell interact with ie file download popup box

Powershell interact with ie file download popup box

powershell interact with ie file download popup box

This post explains how to disable the Internet Explorer file download prompt, "Do you want to At work our intranet is hosted on in SharePoint environment. the “Always ask before opening this type of file” check-box at the bottom of the prompt. IE I need to disable this pop-up warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk files. warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk › solar-farm › javascript-download-file-from-url-ie I have gotten my script to work on my workstation, but it does not work on is the standard download prompt on the latest version of Internet Explorer a URL together is based on the url from the popup window+the file name.

Powershell interact with ie file download popup box - really. All

Save File in Internet Explorr with Powershell

Hey Everyone,

I am currently trying to save a file from internet explorer with powershell. I have gotten my script to work on my workstation, but it does not work on a Windows server. The problem I am running into is that the download notification on the Windows server is different than what I see on my computer.

Above is what I am receiving on the server. Below is what I am receiving on my computer.

I am able to use send keys to select save the file on my computer, but I am unable to go into the popup box or use the developer tools to identity anything on the page that would point me into the download box. Does anyone have a solution for how to click into the box or at the very least, know how to make the download file box appear on the server like it is appearing on my computer? I'm not sure what allows the box to show up like this on my computer that I am missing on the server

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4 Replies

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Jul 7, at UTC

Something I forgot to note. There is not a direct url I can call on either. The URL is constantly changing with random numbers and there isn't a way to pull the url from the webpage

I could be wrong, but the top picture is the standard download prompt on the latest version of Internet Explorer and the bottom is for an older version. I know you mentioned that the URL is not constant, but I am assuming that you have scripted the ability to pull up the page with the latest URL so have you tried parsing the page for the generated download URL? Are you able to share what you have done so far.

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Jul 7, at UTC


Thanks for your reply. Yes I have. The only way I was able to have the download occur is to find the name of the button, then have it be an item, then click it. I have tried parsing through the page for a URL, but I couldn't locate one. The only way I was able to piece a URL together is based on the url from the popup window+the file name. Here is what I have so far.

#Navigate IE to pull information$ieObject=New-Object-ComObject'warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukation'$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uke=$true$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukte('warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk')#while($warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds }Start-Sleep-Seconds6$currentDocument=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uknt$userNameBox=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukmentsByTagName('input')|Where-Object{$_.id-eq'username'}$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk='***************'$passwordBox=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukmentsByTagName('input')|Where-Object{$_.id-eq'txtPassword'}$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk='*************'$submitbutton=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukmentsByTagName('button')|Where-Object{$_.id-eq'loginsubmit'}$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk()#Start-Sleep -Seconds 3while($warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk){Start-Sleep-seconds3}$currentDocument=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uknt$acctmgr=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukmentById('acctmgr')#$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukte2($warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk())$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk()Start-Sleep-Seconds6#while($warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk) { Start-Sleep -seconds 3 }$shell=warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukation$openTabs=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uks()#$ietabs = $opentabs | Select LocationName,locationurl<#foreach($ietab in $ietabs){ if($warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukonname -like '*8x8 Account Manager*') { $tab=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukonUrl Write-Host 'Processing' $warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukte2($tab) $warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk() #$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk($tab) }}#>foreach($opentabin$opentabs){if($warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukonname-like'*8x8 Account Manager*'){$tab=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukonUrlWrite-Host'Processing'$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukte2($tab)Start-Sleep-seconds3#$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk()#$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk($tab) }}#while($warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk) { Start-Sleep -seconds 3 }Start-Sleep-Seconds4$currentDocument=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uknt$accounts=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukmentById("menu_topNav_Id:j_idtj_idt88")$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk()Start-Sleep-seconds6[warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukcumentClass]$currentDocument=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uknt$userprofile=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk|where-object{$_.outertext-eq'User Profiles'}$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk()#while($warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk) { Start-Sleep -seconds 5 }#$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukocument3_getElementsByTagName("input") | Select-Object Type,NameStart-Sleep-seconds3$currentDocument=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukntStart-Sleep-seconds2$downloadname=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukmentsByTagName('input')|Where-Object{$_.value-eq'Download CSV Template'}$downloadcsv=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukmentsByName($warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk)#$downloadcsv=$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukmentsByName('userProfileList:j_idt')$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk().click()Start-Sleep-seconds3$obj=warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukivate('Internet Explorer')$warwickbromleyfiles.co.ukys('s')#saves document, input a to save asStart-Sleep-seconds2$profile=[Environment]::GetFolderPath("UserProfile")$downloads=$profile+"\downloads"$filename=(Get-ChildItem-path$downloads|sortLastWriteTime|select-last1).name$filepath=$path=$downloads+"\"+$filename$data=Get-content-path$path|Convertfrom-csv$warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk()


Did you ever work this out? I am trying to do the same thing with a different site

Would love to see what you come up with!

Источник: [warwickbromleyfiles.co.uk]
powershell interact with ie file download popup box

Powershell interact with ie file download popup box

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