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ign-4-32-18c_HDPE pipes_SDR PN

March 14, 2018 | Author: geofoun | Category: Polyethylene, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Fracture Mechanics, Fracture, Fatigue (Material)

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IGN 4-32-18


March 2003: Issue 1 (Page 1 of 17) ISSN 1353-2529


Reprinted June 2006 for web publication












Expected system lifetimes


Types of polyethylene used for pressure pipe manufacture


Exceptional installation and operational conditions


Abbreviations and Definitions



This Information and Guidance Note provides guidance on the choice of pressure classifications or ratings for buried and above ground polyethylene (PE) pipe systems for the transmission of potable water and sewage. Close-fit PE liner pipes (independent or interactive) are not within the scope of this document. The document supports WIS 4-3217: June 2001: Issue 2 (Polyethylene pressure pipes for pressurised water supply and sewerage duties) providing information for the application of polyethylene pipe manufactured to that specification. Further guidance on the use and installation of PE pressure pipe systems can be found in the joint WRc/ British Plastics Federation publication ‘The PE Pipe Manual’, Issue 3. This document may be accessed on the website of either organisation. Website addresses are given in Section 5.4 below. The UK Water Industry is obliged to quote European standards where available in the purchasing of pipes under the rules of the European Public Procurement Directive. These standards generally address two distinct areas; that of general requirements for a pipeline system regardless of material, and also specific performance requirements for the pipeline system materials that may be used. They are not designed to describe how a particular material is best specified to meet the different operating and installation conditions of pipeline systems. This Information and Guidance Note (IGN) seeks to redress this situation for polyethylene pressure pipe systems and is written to conform

Technical enquiries to: WRc, Frankland Road, Blagrove, Swindon, Wilts, SN5 8YF Tel: (01793) 865151 E-mail: [email protected] This reprint has been prepared by the UK Water Industry and published by WRc plc.

UK WIR © 2003

countries in Europe also have their own unique Annexes to EN 1295 giving their national design procedures, and these vary in their approach and methodology. However, none of the methods properly differentiates between flexible thermoplastics pipes and rigid or semi-rigid pipes, such as concrete or ductile iron respectively, in terms of their material physical characteristics. A committee in CEN is current charged with seeking to agree a common European design standard for all buried pipes but it will be some years before the current BS EN 1295-1 is superseded. Another thermoplastics-based group is currently utilising high grade empirical data from a three-year European field project (funded by TEPPFA and APME, the European plastics pipe and fittings manufacturers and materials suppliers associations respectively) to produce a simple graphical method of establishing the structural design requirements of buried thermoplastics pipes. UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR) has produced a computer program, PErseus, which carries out calculations following the major European structural methods and includes the TEPPFA method.

to European (CEN) Standards already published and to be generally in line with the most recent philosophy of determining pipe ‘allowable pressure ratings’ being evolved by CEN committees. At the time of publication of this issue, CEN product standards for PE pressure pipeline materials are still in development and therefore UK Water Industry specifications (WISs) are referenced in the text. This IGN will be revised and reissued when the relevant CEN standards for materials and pressure classification are formally issued as BS ENs. It should be noted that these standards are concerned with the most frequent application and operational conditions encountered across Europe, and the committees concerned have evolved the concepts of maximum allowable continuous operating pressure (PFA), maximum allowable operating pressure (PMA) and maximum allowable site test pressure (PEA). However, product standards only require the manufacturer to mark pipes and fittings with a nominal pressure ‘classification’ or ‘rating’ (PN). This cannot be otherwise as it is rarely possible for the supplier to know the application and installation conditions in which product is to be employed. In the cast majority of cases the PN rating of polyethylene pipe systems more than adequately meets the requirements of PFA and PMA, which are the key factors that the pipeline systems operator requires to know for long term management and maintenance.

As already implied, the other critical considerations for a pressure pipeline are maximum allowable operating (PFA, PMA) and site test pressures (PEA). For example, although most water pipes are laid in situations where pressure fluctuations are primarily diurnal, PE pipes are increasingly being used for pumped water or sewage, with their associated more onerous operating conditions. The relevant product standards prEN 12201 and prEN 13244 only state nominal pressure classifications, PN, for various PE grades and “wall thickness to diameter ratios” (SDRs). The component-related allowable pressure definitions PFA, PMA and PEA are introduced in the overall water system standard BS EN 805 (Water Supply – Requirements for Systems and Components Outside Buildings) which takes installation, commissioning and operational conditions into account. BS EN 773 is the parallel pressure sewage standard.

It is therefore of paramount importance that, where pipeline systems have allowable operating pressures that do not correspond to the marked PN rating, this is prominently recorded on the operator’s asset records. Much of the guidance contained in this document is based on work carried out by UK Water Industry Research Ltd. (UKWIR). A list of relevant reports is given in Section 5. The UK’s buried pipeline design methodology is incorporated in BS EN 1295-1 ‘Structural design of buried pipelines under various conditions of loading’. It is important to note that the UK method calculates “combined stresses” in the pipe wall arising from both internal pressure loading, ground loading and from imposed surcharge. In theory this can sometimes influence the maximum allowable continuous operating pressure (PFA). Several other

The function of this information and Guidance Note is to provide a simple procedure to establish the PE pipe PNs required for different applications and duties, in a way that complies with the structural and hydraulic requirements of the above

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IGN 4-32-18 March 2003: Issue 1 (Page 3 of 16) ISSN 1353-2529

For all pressure duties there is no difference in mechanical property requirements for water supply and other applications.

standards, but that also reflects the particular needs of the UK Water Industry. Information contained in this Information and Guidance Note is given in good faith. Neither UK Water Industry Research Ltd, Water UK, WRc plc nor Pipeline Developments Ltd can accept any responsibility for actions taken by others as a result.





WIS 4-32-17 will be superseded when the European Standards EN12201 and EN13244 are ratified as BS ENs in the future, probably late 2003. It should be noted that the CEN product standards for PE pressure pipe systems vary from WIS 4-32-17 in certain important aspects such as the requirements for resistance to slow crack growth, electrofusion (EF) socket lengths, and spigot lengths for butt fusion. These differences will be noted in the National Forwards for these standards.

During 2000, Water UK decided to produce a new specification to define requirements for PE pressure pipes, WIS 4-32-17. This document effectively replaces WIS 4-32-03, WIS 4-32-09, WIS 4-32-13, BS 6572 and BS 6730, and specifies the requirements for PE pipe for the following duties: • •

• • •

• •


Preferred sizes of PE pipes

Historically, a large part of the Water Industry has adopted the size range of PE pipes that was used in the gas industry. Indeed, in WIS 4-32-03 (for MDPE), the only sizes quoted in the distribution range were 90, 125, 180, 250 and 315 mm. In WIS 4-32-13 (for ‘Higher Performance Polyethylene’) the size range was extended to include the common European sizes and some water companies decided to standardise on the near Imperial bore dimensions of 110, 160, 225 and 280 mm to give a more cost effective size range.

Blue pipes for potable water supply for use below ground in diameters 20 mm to 1600 mm. Blue pipes with brown stripes (to indicate an external ‘skin’ of a different polymer – to provide resistance to scoring, use for contaminated land etc.) in diameters 20 mm to 250 mm (or above as demand dictates). Black pipes for above ground use for potable water supply in diameters 20 mm to 1600 mm. Black pipes for sewerage and generalpurpose duties in diameters 20 mm to 1600 mm. Black pipes with brown stripes (to indicate the presence of an external ‘skin’ of different polymer – to provide resistance to scoring) in diameters 20 mm to 250 mm (or above as demand dictates). Black pipes with green stripes for grey water in diameters 20 mm to 1600 mm. Coiled pipe in diameter range 20 mm to 180 mm.

PE pipes are standardised in three size ranges: Range 1 (Service Sizes): For nominal sizes 20, 25, 32, 40, 50 and 63: pipe will be PE 80. The preferred pressure rating is PN 12.5. Range 2 (Distribution Sizes): For nominal sizes 75, 90, 110, 125, 140, 160, 180, 200, 225, 250, 280, and 315: pipe can be either PE80 or PE100. The preferred pressure ratings are generally:

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PN5, PN6, PN8, PN10, PN12.5 and PN16.


Range 3 (Trunk mains):

Although PE materials are classified by strength alone, pipe manufactured from these materials must achieve all the requirements of a performance specification. Arguably the most important part of the pipe specifications concern material toughness properties.

For nominal sizes 355, 400, 450, 500, 560, 630, 710, 800, 900, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600 the pipe can be either PE80 or PE100. The preferred pressure ratings (dependent on diameter and material and application) are:

Long term resistance to crack growth is assessed by pressure testing a pipe containing external notches machined to a nominal 20% of pipe wall thickness. Notched pipes must withstand a specified pressure for 1,000 hours at 80oC without failure.

Rapid crack propagation resistance is assessed by either the ISO 13478 Full Scale RCP test (carried out on either 250 mm or 500 mm pipe) or by the ISO 13477 S4 laboratory test (250 mm pipe) to ensure that there is no extended crack propagation when the PE pipe sample is subject to high pressure and low temperature ( 355 mm, when significant air pockets cannot be excluded, see Table C.2 in Appendix C.

PE 100 compounds can only be HDPE grades which have full resistance to rapid crack propagation (RCP) (see below). PE 80 compounds used in the UK are MDPE grades in accordance with WIS 4-32-17. Sometimes HDPE materials of inferior performance not meeting the requirements of WIS 4-32-17 may be offered as PE 80. These materials should be viewed with caution and their performance thoroughly evaluated before acceptance (see below).

However, there are older generation ‘Type 2’ HDPE PE 80 materials still available and although they meet the 50 year LCL (lower confidence limit) strength of > 8.0 MPa, they are inferior in both slow crack growth and RCP resistance and only marginally meet the CEN requirements in the draft prEN 12202 (potable

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IGN 4-32-18 March 2003: Issue 1 (Page 5 of 16) ISSN 1353-2529

water) and prEN 13244 (sewerage) documents. These do not meet the requirements of WIS 432-17 and it should be realised that contracts may arise where materials such as these are offered. To avoid this issue only PE pipes meeting WIS 4-32-17 should be specified.

3. 3.1

Table 1: Summary of General Pressure Ratings for PE Pipes Material PE-80



Nominal pressure ratings (PN in bar) for various SDRs PN 5 PN 8 PN (SDR (SDR 12.5 26) 17) (SDR 11) PN 6 PN 8 PN 10 PN 16 (SDR (SDR (SDR (SDR 26) 21) 17) 11)

Notes: 1. SDR is defined as Standard Dimension Ratio, i.e. the ratio of diameter to wall thickness. 2. MDPE PE80s are re-rated for diameters >355 mm (see clause and Table C.2). 3. If other SDRs are offered, the pipe supplier should mark these pipes with the appropriate nominal pressure rating PN.

Definition of PN

The PN rating of a plastics pipe is the nominal pressure rating of the pipe determined from the material design stress and wall thickness of the pipe. The design stress is determined from the material MRS (Minimum Required Strength) using a design coefficient specified by ISO and European standards, which is 1.25 for polyethylene. These PN ratings are determined on a 50-year design basis at 20oC. However, this does not mean that the pipe has a lifetime of 50 years. On the contrary the actual predicted lifetime for high quality PE materials will be well in excess of 100 years.




Pressure in service

It is recognised that most pipes in service: • • •

A more detailed explanation of methodology to determine PN is given in Appendix A.1. The PN of a pipe relates directly to the wall thickness or SDR of the pipe (see note 1, Table 1) and the material MRS classification, i.e. PE 100 or PE 80. PN, SDR and the material classification, should always be marked on the pipe.

may not operate at constant pressures, will generally be buried, and will be filled with water at temperatures other than 20oC.

It is important to ensure that all these aspects have been considered in the design in order to always choose an appropriate pipe nominal pressure rating PN (i.e. its pressure classification) with total confidence. The designations for various allowable pressures given in BS EN 805 have been adopted as the basis here.

Table 1 gives a summary of pressure ratings for PE pipes.

• •

PFA: allowable continuous operating pressure for the main. See Section 4.2. PMA: maximum operating pressure (i.e. not to be exceeded, e.g. via a ‘surge event’). See Section 4.3.

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operative value of F(I). Issues relating to the value of F(I) are discussed in 4.2.3.

PEA: test pressure that must not be exceeded during commissioning. See Section 4.4.

When there are several exceptional factors, a recommended and conservative approach is to multiply the effects of these together to determine F(O) or F(I).

The pressure classification selected for a PE pipe for a particular application should be the higher of the values determined for PFA and PMA using the methodologies outlined below. In the vast majority of cases, this will be equal to the nominal pressure rating PN.

This is illustrated in the flow chart shown in Figure 1.


Determination of Allowable Continuous Operating Pressure (PFA)

4.2.2 Issues relating to the Operational Factor F(O)


General Average Operating Temperature The design basis and lifetime prediction for polyethylene pipeline systems is based on a temperature of 20oC. This is not the temperature of most potable water mains in the UK, where the average is typically between 10oC and 15oC (ref. 2). However, in some sewerage applications temperatures above 20oC may be the norm. Although variations in ambient temperatures between 0oC and 30oC do not significantly limit the use of PE pipes, some advice is given. Polyethylene is a thermoplastic and in order to determine performance both time and temperature dependence need to be taken into account. ISO 13761 defines the changes in PE material strength that occurs as temperature changes. At low temperatures, PE pipes become stiffer and stronger (and vice versa at high temperatures). For PE pipes, the strength and hence the pressure resistance changes by 1.3% per oC change in temperature.

For the majority of Water Industry applications, the allowable continuous operating pressure (PFA) will be the same as the marked PN rating when pipe conforming to WIS 4-32-17 is used. However, there are some occasions where this may not apply, and for such cases designers should relate PFA to PN via re-rating factors, as follows. The approach utilises an Operational ‘Factor’ F(O) and an Installation ‘Factor’ F(I) whereby the Allowable Continuous Operating Pressure (PFA) is defined as: PFA = F(O) x F(I) x PN The Operational Factor F(O) will equal 1 for most PE pressure systems. It will only have a reduced value where it is necessary to allow for the effects of temperature, cyclic loading (fatigue) and resistance to RCP for PE80 (when significant air pockets are anticipated). Issues relating to the value of F(O) are discussed in 4.2.2.

‘Warm’ Water Systems: When operating temperatures above 20oC are foreseen, e.g. for sewerage or above ground applications where there is no flow for long periods, the factor F(O) should be reduced using the following equation.

The Installation Factor F(I) is not an issue for most systems installed in accordance with accepted good practice and will therefore also be generally equal to 1. Where unexpected problems occur on site during installation, then advice is needed to allow sensible judgements to be made of serviceability.

F(O) = 1 – 0.013 x (Average operating temperature – 20) NOTE: For mean temperatures above 45oC the client is advised to consult the supplier. ‘Cold’ Water Systems: The above equation is equally applicable for average operating temperatures below 20oC, by itself (i.e. provided other factors do not reduce F(O)) resulting in a F(O) factor which is greater than 1. This would make PFA > PN, and notionally the pipe could

The primary exceptions considered here are excessive wall ‘damage’, non-standard backfill and/or control of compaction. The minimum factor from this grouping should be taken as the

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IGN 4-32-18 March 2003: Issue 1 (Page 7 of 16) ISSN 1353-2529

PFA = PN x F(O) x F(I) Temperature < 20°C



Burial conditions: WIS compliant pipe and fair-to-good surround and good compaction

(See ) YES Cyclic events: WIS compliant pipe?

No See



YES RCP: WIS compliant PE100 or PE80 (

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