Private free download - congratulate, you
You're still tracked in Incognito mode.
 Epic's Encrypted Proxy is a free built-in VPN that protects your browsing history from your ISP & other data collectors and secures you on public WiFi.
as much as 25% faster than other browsers.
for amazing performance and rendering.
Blocking tracking scripts and ads loads webpages as much as 25% faster than other browsers.
Epic is dedicated to protecting your privacy so no one can track what you browse.
Every tab is a separate process so that you enjoy exceptional security.
Epic is powered by chromium for amazing performance and rendering.
Your Government
Hundreds of Data Collectors
Your Employer
** Firefox and Apple use Google services and receive over $500 million and $6 billion from Google respectively.
Incognito and other "Private Browsing" Modes are NOT Private
Your browsing history is still stored in your computer after you close an incognito or private browsing window.
You're still being tracked by Google in incognito and other private browsing modes.
You're still tracked by your ISP (many ISPs sell the browsing history of some of their customers), hundreds of data collectors, ad networks and your government in incognito and other private browsing modes.
You're tracked not just with cookies but also via device fingerprinting which Epic blocks.
A simple webrtc function can leak your actual IP address even if you're using a VPN. Epic protects you.
Epic lets you spy on the spies.
See who's tracking you in your other browsers.
See the trackers Epic blocks at each website you visit.
Blocking Cookies? Using a VPN? You're still at risk.
Simple WebRTC calls can leak your IP address even if you're using a VPN. Only Epic protects you.
You're tracked not just by your IP address or by cookies, but also by browser fingerprinting most prominently canvas image data which only Epic blocks.
Download audio and video from YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Facebook, Dailymotion and hundreds of other sites.
Epic's built-in encrypted proxy encrypts your data, hides your location, and lets you access blocked websites such as Pandora from anywhere in the world.
Access Blocked Websites. Download Videos.
Epic's built-in encrypted proxy (can be turned on and off) not only encrypts your data and hides your location, but also lets you access blocked websites such as Pandora.
Epic has integrated video and audio downloading built-in. Download videos or audio from your favorite sites including YouTube, Soundcloud, Vimeo, and thousands more.
We're one of only three privacy software companies with a demonstrated record of placing our user's privacy ahead of business & financial interests.
You trust us to protect you, and we trust you to ensure we survive.
We thank the Epic users who‘ve donated to us and helped spread Epic.
One of Three Companies in the World that puts Privacy First
We’re one of only three privacy software companies in the world with a demonstrated record of placing our users’ privacy ahead of business & financial interests.
You trust us to protect them, and we trust you to ensure we survive. Thank you to the thousands of Epic users who've donated to us or shared and spread Epic.