I found how to do what I needed...
Note: when doing this, you'll lose any settings, history, bookmarks etc that are stored locally. If this is a problem, make sure to sync to a Firefox account first.
1. Uninstall Firefox in the Play Store
2. Get the v68 APK from: https://download.mozilla.org/?product=fennec-latest&os=android&lang=multi
(found via https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Platforms/Android).
If this link is updated to point to v79, the last release of v68 should still be available from:
[removed random third-party site] https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/mobile/releases/68.11.0/
(If you use that, you need to select the right one of the 4 variants for your device. For most modern phones it'll be arm64).
Worth saving the APK file somewhere safe in case you accidentally re-upgrade and need it again.
3. Install the APK, and you'll get v68 back.
4. Ensure you have auto-updating turned off in Play Store, and make sure that until we have a satisfactory latest version of Firefox, you don't accidentally "upgrade" again!
Modified by James
Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]
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